Education Seminar 2020: Educator Strategies to Create a Professional Education World in the Era of Technological Disruption
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2020-08-15 10:25
Many believe that a country will progress if education in that country is also developed. Education is a problem in Indonesia that needs attention. The reality is that education in Indonesia has not satisfied all parties. Moreover, currently being hit by Covid-19 which causes all schools to implement an online system in order to minimize the level of spread of the virus. Online learning (distance) requires teachers and students to use technology. Along with the times, the technology invented by humans in the future is increasingly sophisticated. As you know, some human jobs are starting to be displaced by the presence of technology. The field of office administration work may also be disrupted by technology. However, the teacher's job will never be replaced by technology because the teacher is the spirit of education itself.
In conjunction with the Office Administration Competence Competition (LKAP) 2020, the Office Administration Education Student Association (HIMA PADP) Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (FE UNY) held an Education Seminar with the theme "Educator's Strategy to Create a Professional Education World in the Era of Technological Disruption". LKAP and Education Seminars are a series of activities that are held annually.
This year's Education Seminar was held online on Saturday, July 18, 2020. This seminar from an educational campus provided motivation or an illustration of how educators in the 21st century will be. Professional educators certainly have strategies in dealing with the times, one of which is moving from a comfortable position, mastering technology, information and communication, strengthen and expand the network of relations and become a driving teacher figure.
The Education Seminar invited competent speakers, Mr. Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd. (The Expert Team of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni, Simkatmawa Team of the Directorate General of Belmawa of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Independent Learning Curriculum Development Team, Department of Administrative Education, FE UNY).