Submitted by admin on Wed, 2017-05-17 16:07
Another student from Yogyakarta State University who carries the name of the alma mater at the national level. It was Marini, a 2015 student of Office Administration Education Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University who won second place in the Archives Scientific Writing Competition at Gadjah Mada University, Wednesday (10/5) yesterday. The Archives Scientific Writing Competition, which this year carries the theme "Archival Profession Challenges in the Information Age" is a series of events in the framework of the anniversary of the Archives Study Program of the Vocational School of Gadjah Mada University in the form of an archival scientific writing competition which is participated by active undergraduate and diploma students throughout the world. Indonesia. Of the 49 works that were submitted to the committee, the first winner was Fitriana Huda Erfani (D3 Archives UGM 2014), the second winner was Marini (S1 Office Administration Education UNY 2015), and the third winner Kevin Brizzi (D3 Information and Document Management UI 2015).
Prior to the awarding of prizes, the winner of the highest National Examination score in the Office Administration Skills Competence of SMKN 1 Godean Sleman for the 2014/2015 academic year was also invited to be a participant in the National Archives Seminar at the UGM Postgraduate Auditorium. Still with the same theme, Dr. Mustari Irawan, M.P.A. (Head of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia), Muhamad Masrofi, S.Sos., M.Sc. (Head of the Department of Archives and Libraries of Central Java Province), and Drs. Machmoed Effendie, M. Hum. (UGM Archives Lecturer) who was appointed to be the speaker.
“Being the only winner who didn't come from an archival study program and being able to co-exist with well-known universities in Indonesia such as UGM and UI is a matter of pride for me. I hope this can motivate UNY students in general and P. ADP study programs in particular to be bolder in showing their competence in more competitions,” said Marini.
As the 2nd Winner of Archives Scientific Writing Competition 2017, Marini is entitled to a certificate, trophy, and a 1 TB external hard drive. Prizes were handed over by Waluyo, S.S., M.Hum. as Head of the Archives Study Program as well as Head of the Department of Language, Arts, and Cultural Management of the Vocational School of Gajah Mada University. The student who aspires to become a SMK teacher hopes that someday he will be able to apply the knowledge and experience gained while in college to serve the community, especially in the area where he came from, Kulon Progo. (chusnu)