Student Career Preparation “Remaining Quality in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period”
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2020-09-16 15:46
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has worsened Indonesia's economic situation. Evidently, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency, Indonesia's economic growth was at -5.32% in the second quarter of 2020. One of the impacts of negative economic growth was that many employees were laid off due to the sluggish business and industrial climate. At the same time, universities continue to contribute to the number of graduates seeking employment. This condition causes job competition in the next few years to be even tighter.
Observing the situation, the administrative education department held a student career preparation activity with the theme "Remaining Quality in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period". Student career preparation activities were carried out on September 4, 2020 through the Zoom Meeting application. More than 150 participants took part in the activity. Participants are students majoring in administrative education and general students from various islands in Indonesia. The resource person for the activity was Ria Aprilia, M. Psi. Psychologists from Upgrad ID and Yuliansah, M. Pd. from Yogyakarta State University
Ria as a career consultant practitioner gave a message to participants to keep developing themselves during the pandemic. The self-development activities carried out will have a major impact on the information that will be written in the curriculum vitae when applying for jobs later. Ria also gave a message to be careful using social media because many company recruitment teams are looking for information on prospective employees to their social media accounts. Yuliansah as a self-development lecturer gives a message to students that the wrong major is not the end of everything. Students who are in the wrong major can look for activities outside of lectures that match their interests and talents. Student career preparation activities are felt to be able to provide insight to students to be better prepared to face the increasingly fierce competition in the world of work. In the activity evaluation instrument, most of the participants gave a positive value to this activity (Wahyu).