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Archives are created from activities carried out in an organization, both active and inactive. Archives need good management so that if they are needed again they can be found quickly. Records management cannot be carried out at random considering that archives have different use values according to type and function. The process of recovering an archive cannot be easily done if the archive is not managed properly. The increasing number of archives owned by an organization requires systematic archive management so that when records are needed they can be immediately available. Manual archive management in the current technological era is not optimal, so it is against this background that the Administrative Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (P. ADP FE UNY) through the Community Service Program (PPM) held a Computer-Based Inactive Archive Management Training for Teachers of Vocational High School Administration of Office Administration Skills in Yogyakarta, which were attended by 28 teachers from various vocational schools. The speakers were from Lecturers of the ADP FE Study Program, UNY Sutirman, M.Pd., Purwanto, M.M., M, Pd., Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah, M.Pd. and Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Sc. , said the Head of the Department of Administrative Education FE UNY Joko Kumoro, M.Sc. when opening a recent training event.
According to Sutirman, archive management with the help of computer technology can facilitate an archivist in managing company records. Electronic filing applications are very helpful for archive management officers in carrying out their duties. The advantage of a computer-based archive management application is that an archivist can quickly find out where the location of the archives he is looking for is because the archive data has been stored in the database system. Integration of archival information systems with database systems can make it easier for an archivist to manage records because input data can be designed and classified based on the location or storage area.
Computer-based archive management applications can be used as archival learning media in Vocational High Schools specifically on Office Administration Expertise Competencies. Electronic filing applications can help students simulate the actual handling of records in an organization. Student learning experiences will be useful when students carry out industrial work practices in certain agencies. Students are no longer awkward using this application because they have simulated before at school. It is undeniable that almost all government and private agencies have used computer-based archive management applications, although with different programs, continued Sutirman.
Meanwhile, Arwan said, because this application is computer-based, it requires schools to have adequate numbers for learning according to the number of students. Especially in archiving subjects, it is required to be able to use computer-based archive management applications as a provision to transfer knowledge and knowledge to students so that students' skills are in accordance with the demands of the business world and the industrial world. (Isti Kisti)
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