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Social Service for P. ADP 2015 FE UNY at UPT Panti Anak Wiloso Projo Yogyakarta

Third semester students, UNY Faculty of Economics, Office Administration Education study program-S1 held a social service activity "We Care We Share" at UPT Panti Anak Wiloso Projo, Gowongan Lor JT III/211, Yogyakarta. The We Care We Share activity which means "we care we give" is a form of activity at the end of the semester for the Event Management course. We Care We Share lasts for four days, namely Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 15.30 to 17.30 WIB, Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 09.00 to 12.00 WIB, Saturday December 17 2016 at 15.30 to 17.30 WIB and Sunday, December 18 2016 at 09.00 - 14.30 WIB. We Care We Share has the theme “Togetherness” which means togetherness. This event consisted of a series of giving motivations by Kak Arwan Daniel (final semester P.ADP student), coaching on making handicrafts (craft bracelets from shoelaces, bross and key chains made of flannel), self-development (music, dance, and poetry). ), and the main event was the performance of the orphanage children, entertainment, door prizes, announcement of handicraft winners, and the presentation of mementos.” Said Vinta as chairman of the committee.
“The event on the first day is an opportunity for students to introduce themselves, open themselves to make friends with the orphanage children, one of which is by providing motivation and sharing about their goals. The orphanage children enthusiastically and happily talked about their dreams. The orphanage children without a doubt long for good and noble ideals, including wanting to become teachers, lecturers, chefs, architecture, police, policewomen, machinists, artists, and some want to become ustad. On the second day, We Care We Share received more welcome from the orphanage children with more children coming to learn how to make handicrafts, guided by students. Children enthusiastically and enthusiastically make crafts and are not shy to ask questions. At the end of the event, the handicrafts made by the children were collected to be assessed and announced at the peak event. The schedule for the third day is self-development, the self-development is grouped into 4 types, namely modern dance, band (vocals, guitar, cagon), vocal group, and reading poetry. Every child enthusiastically and unyieldingly develops talent in themselves with the help and support of students. They encourage each other and continue to practice in order to perform optimally. In supporting this event, the We Care We Share committee also collaborated with outside donors, namely WSSS (Special Shop for Cow's Milk) and Kopma UNY. "said Vinta as chairman of the organizer.
The highlight of the We Care We Share activity was closed with the performance of the talents of the orphanage children and students. The activity was attended by 21 orphanage children, orphanage administrators, and the head of the orphanage. In this event, prizes were distributed for crafts that had been made the previous day. The We Care We Share event, although it was held for the first time, was successful. This event also received a positive response from various parties. "The event was very interactive, fun, and supportive for children to develop their talents, maybe the event wasn't just yesterday and could continue again," said Kak Rida, one of the caretakers of the children's home when asked about the impressions and messages for the 2016 We Care We Share event. “The event was good and fun, beneficial for all because it can share knowledge and skills with each other. Hopefully, at another time without due to coursework, the activity can be held again and continue to maintain the friendship.” said vintage. "And we as the committee of We Care We Share 2016 would like to thank the donors and all parties who have helped and supported this event so that it can run smoothly," he added. (Bi//)
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