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Department of Administrative Education, Verified to be TUK LSP-AP and Ready to Print Competent Resources in Office Administration

Visitation (09/11) The Competency Test Place (TUK) by the Office Administration-Professional Certification Agency (LSP-AP) was conducted online. Verification of the place of competency test is carried out directly by the Director of LSP-AP Drs. HM. Jamil Latif, M.Pd, MM. from UHAMKA and the LSP-AP Certification Manager, Mr. Dr. Sambas Ali Muhidin, M.Sc. LSP-AP was established by a professional association in office administration called the Association of Graduates and Practitioners of Indonesian Office Administration (ASPAPI). Therefore, LSP-AP is a P3 LSP because it was established by a professional association.
The procedure for establishing a TUK LSP-AP starts from submitting an application for opening a TUK to the LSP-AP, completing the requirements, and verifying the feasibility of a TUK by the LSP-AP. Online visits are carried out because conditions and situations do not allow for offline visits and verification of data for completeness of requirements. The verification activity was carried out approximately from 10.00 - 13.00 WIB online, starting with a speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of UNY, Mr. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., followed by remarks from the Head of the Department of Administrative Education, Mrs. Dr. Rosidah, M.Si. then the process of explanation, presentation, and verification of data completeness by the Director and Manager of LSP-AP. After having gone through a series of processes according to the established procedures for establishing a TUK, verification was carried out on each item of completeness and a virtual tour of the laboratory, the Department of Administrative Education was declared "SAH ALHAMDULILLAH" to become TUK LSP-AP. The Office Simulation Laboratory has been verified and designated as the 6th TUK LSP-AP after the Indonesian Education University, Jakarta State University, Dr. Muhammadiyah University. Hamka Jakarta, State University of Malang, and State University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
TUK AP Yogyakarta State University uses an Office Simulation Laboratory with an area of 162 m2 which is located on the 2nd floor of the Prof. Dr. Ali Wardhana. Prof. Building Dr. Ali Wardhana consists of four floors which are designated as an integrated laboratory building for the Faculty of Economics, UNY. Prof. Building Dr. Ali Wardhana is officially used for lectures starting in 2019. The secretariat for the competency test is located at the Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Karangmalang Campus, Yogyakarta Postal Code 5528, Telephone (0274) 586168 psw. 1824, email: The secretariat room and the manager of the competency test place are in one room in the Office Simulation Laboratory. The manager of TUK AP Yogyakarta State University is Mr. Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd. with Secretary Mr. Wahyu Rusdiyanto, M.M. as secretary, Mrs. Siti Umi Khayatun mardiyah, M.Pd. as treasurer and Mr. Yuliansah, M.Pd. as a member.
Arwan as the Manager of TUK AP, State University of Yogykarta, hopes that with the establishment of a TUK, it can be utilized by the academic community of UNY and the surrounding community who need an official competency certificate from BNSP with an Office Administration Implementing certification scheme. The Office Administration Implementer certification scheme consists of 11 competencies, namely: 1) Producing documents; 2) Handling receipt and delivery of documents/letters; 3) Manage archives; 4) Operate software applications; 5) Producing documents on a computer; 6) Making electronic letters/documents; 7) Communicating by telephone; 8) Arranging meetings/meetings; 9) Making meeting minutes; 10) Create presentation materials; and 11) Accessing information through the homepage.
It is hoped that TUK AP Yogyakarta State University will become an extension of LSP AP to create skilled personnel in the field of office administration in the future.
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