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FORMAPSI (Indonesian Office Administration Student Forum) is an organization of student associations in the field of office administration throughout Indonesia. This year, the National Working Meeting (RAKERNAS) was held at Yogyakarta State University on April 6-8 2018. The theme this time was “The Role of FORMAPSI as a Media of Inspiration and Innovation in Creating more Dynamic Office Administration Students”.
This activity was attended by 33 participants from 9 universities, namely 3 people from UNNES, 4 people from UNESA, 7 people from UNS, 2 people from UIR, 4 UNAIR, 2 people from UPI, 5 people from UI, 1 person from UNIMED, and 5 people from UNY. The series of RAKERNAS activities began with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of UNY, Dr. Sugiharsono, M.Si at the same time opened the event and also a speech from the Head of the Department of Administrative Education, FE UNY, Joko Kumoro, MSi. Then it was continued with a protocol workshop with the theme “Level Up your Ability and Enlighting your Identity with a Protocol” with a resource person, namely Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Sc. in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, UNY.
The next event was a gala dinner which took place at the Foodcourt Park UNY which was followed by a trip to the Wisma Duta Wacana inn, Jalan Kaliurang Km 22. On the second day, Saturday April 7th, the main event was RAKERNAS which discussed the FORMAPSI work program for the next 2 years which resulted in and set work programs including the GIPSI (All Indonesia Office Science Festival) activities which will be held at UNY in September 2018. In addition, there was an inauguration of FORMAPSI's management led by Sister Ari as DPO of FORMAPSI. The last day's event was closing and group photos, followed by a field trip to Merapi Landmark and the Merapi Volcano Museum. (Siti/Cs)
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