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Galaxy Maheswari EO PADP FE UNY 2019 Successfully Holds Traditional Creation Dance Competition
Yogyakarta (30/5). Galaksi Maheswari EO who was born from the event management course, with a lecturer Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma held a Traditional Creative Dance competition which registration was open from March 15 to May 03, 2021. The highlight of the 2021 Culfest Competition was enlivened by resource person Didi Nini Thowok, SST with a sharing session. The sharing session culfest competition event with the theme "Creativity and Professionalism of Dancers in Creating Works" was moderated by Cantik Anjani, an undergraduate student of Office Administration Education and Finalist Dimas Diajeng, Jogja City in 2021, accompanied by MC Adi Nur Cahya and Cedar Aisyah. The 2021 Culfest Competition event ran smoothly with enthusiastic participants, followed by 63 teams from 11 provinces (Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java, West Java, Banten, East Kalimantan, Sumatra, Riau, Jakarta, West Sumatra, and Lampung). As for the jury, Mas Agung Tri Yulianto, S.Sn (Agung Cendhik) as a reliable choreographer who has created dozens of dance arts both at home and abroad, Drs. Supriyadi Hasto Nugroho, M.Sn as a lecturer at the Faculty of Language and Arts, UNY, and Mrs. Yulita Ekawinajeng, M.Pd as an art activist in the Bantul Dance Arts Association and the Bantul Art Studio Community. The sharing session event will take place on May 30, 2021 as well as the announcement of the winner of the competition. The 1st place for Wanito Dance from the Bravery Dance (UNY) group received a prize of Rp. 1,200,000.00 + e-certificate, the 2nd place for Wong Sawah Dance from the Sole Dancer Nadindra Ismi Prawesti (Universitas Jenderal Soedirman) received a prize of Rp. 900,000.00 + e -certificate, and the 3rd place winner of Biyung Emban Dance from the Dance Community, Faculty of Economics, UNY, received a prize of Rp. 600,000.00 + e-certificate. 1st place winner Elangnga Manossa Dance from Diamond Art Performance (DAP) Lumajang, 2nd runner up Salayok Piriang Dance from Gelanggang (ISI Padang Panjang, West Sumatra), and 3rd place winner Geleng Ro'om Dance from Narendra Dance Studio (SMA N 3 Ponorogo ) get an e-certificate.
The sharing session began with the opening, remarks, video screening of the finalists, screening of the profile video of the Office Administration Department. Then the sharing session by Didik Hadiprayitno or better known as Didik Nini Thowok. However, not many know the name Kwee Tjoen An, which is his Chinese name. Didik Nini Thowok is a unique artist with a characteristic comedy choreography. Various dance creations or choreography contain elements of humor even though they are based on traditional dance movements. Artist Didik Nini Thowok also played the Lathi Challenge video which is currently viral on social media. This is a challenge to apply makeup to horror women while dancing to the song Lathi by Weird Genius. The skill of the dancer Didik Nini Thowok in the art of body movement is unquestionable. His countless achievements and works of art have made him one of the best artists in Indonesia. Educators never play around when making a work. He always uses his feelings, absorbs the meaning and background of a work before it is shown to the public. "I always use feeling every time I dance, what I hear, I feel, then the movement (dance) will appear by itself, flow like that," said Grandmother Didik. The art of dance that he has been involved in has received a response from the world. Especially in the field of cross gender. Eyang Didik explained that since he first introduced the art of dance and cross gender, the world was interested. He even wrote a book in 2004 about cross gender. "If you want to learn the art of cross-gender, you have to study, research is the right thing to do," he said. So not infrequently he is often invited abroad to talk about cross gender. Although there are many invitations to dance abroad. He is beyond proud of Indonesia, I introduce the art of cross gender. In addition, in creating dance movements, Didik also always carries out a research and deepening process first. Moreover, the theme of the work is related to Indonesian history and culture. the event can be watched on the official youtube channel page (can/cs)
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