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Visit of Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul Vocational School to FE UNY

More than 90 students along with SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Bantul visited the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY, last Thursday (10/12). By wearing a yellow uniform, this student in grades 10 to 12 of the Office Administration field of expertise intends to know more about UNY in general and the Department of Office Administration Education at FE UNY in particular. The group, which was led by Failla Rochmayanti, S.Pd, was received by the Deputy Dean I of FE UNY, Prof. Sukirno, Ph.D., Head of the Department (Kajur) Joko Kumoro, M.Sc., as well as several lecturers within the department.
Joko Kumoro explained that current UNY graduates can develop in any career field. "You don't have to be a teacher. You can be an entrepreneur too. In addition, there are also many scholarships available at UNY. You don't have to worry about the cost, as long as you can divide your time well for studying,” said Joko.
“If the competition to become a student in the undergraduate program is tight, prospective students can choose the Diploma route. UNY provides free shuttle buses to take students and lecturers back and forth from UNY Karangmalang Campus and Wates Campus,” added Joko.
Students are invited to know firsthand the lecture process at the Office Simulation Laboratory, which is owned by the Department of Office Administration Education, FE UNY. They were even then invited to play their own positions and positions in the “mini office”.
In addition, under the direction of lecturer Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd., students are introduced to the digital archive system at UNY. The system developed by Arwan himself facilitates the process of archiving documents in companies which are generally still done manually.
The students were also given insight into the equipment in the Office Technology Laboratory and the Manual and Electronic Typing Laboratory under the guidance of Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah, M.Pd. In these two rooms, students learn about tools that were and are still used in office technology, such as stencil machines, laminating machines, and electronic typing tools that are far different from today's sophisticated computers. (fadhli)
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