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Share and Fun with UNY Secretary D3 Alumni “Share Your Experience and Fun With Us”

Share and Fun with Alumni D3 Secretariat of UNY is an event created and organized by students from D3 Secretary A UNY 2014 to fulfill the Event Organizer course taught by Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, M, Si in this 5th semester. This Share and Fun event was held on Saturday, December 24, 2015 at the GLA Auditorium on the 4th floor of UNY Wates Campus. In accordance with the theme, namely Share Your Experience and Fun With Us, “Our event is a talk show where there are 3 speakers from D3 Secretarial alumni who are already working and fresh graduates. In addition to the speakers, we also invited active secretarial students from the 2014 2015 and 2016 batches and did not miss the alumni of D3 secretary class 2010-2013. Here we all exchange experiences about the world of lectures, how to continue studies after graduating from D3 Secretariat to the world of work.” Said Apri Kurnita as event coordinator.
“The speakers and alumnus shared various experiences such as why they chose the D3 Secretarial study program, experiences during college, the ups and downs when entering the FY period, how to continue their studies after graduating from the D3 Secretarial study program, what job prospects will the Secretary D3 study program reach, how face the world of work which has a wider reach than in college and how to solve problems when encountering various problems in the world of work. Various different answers emerged from each speaker, because the experience gained was also different. There are many interesting answers and experiences that need to be practiced by us, active D3 Secretarial students. Several questions were not only asked to the speakers and alumni but also to active D3 Secretarial students, they answered questions from the MC without shame and hesitation. " said Kurnia Apri added.
“In addition to sharing experiences with speakers/alumnus and active students, there are various entertainments which of course make this event more lively, especially such as Stand Up Comedy from UNY Comica who is experienced, acoustic performance from Baswara Band ft. Samson and representatives from active D3 Secretarial students who increasingly shook the GLA Auditorium on the 4th floor of UNY, Wates campus. Don't forget, besides having super excited fillers, we also give various door prizes which are certainly very interesting for the Share and Fun participants. At the end of the event, all participants along with the speakers gathered for a group photo and did not forget to have fun together accompanied by music that made the end of this event a success and run smoothly. said Nita Arum as the event's publicist. “Hopefully this event can be held again on another occasion, because it can be said that this event is the first for the D3 Secretariat study program of UNY. For us, the committee, this activity can be used as a forum to hone skills in the Event Organizer course as well as in other field skills such as in Multimedia, Communication, Leadership, etc. And we hope that the holding of this event will trigger the alumni to hold an inauguration of the IKA D3 Secretary of UNY which can be useful in the future. We as the Share and Fun committee together with Alumni thank you for all the support and participation from all parties involved," said Nita. (Ladifa)
Peserta Share And Fun berfoto booth
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Sharing salah satu dari mahasiswa aktif D3 Sekretari
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