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The Office Day, which was held by students of Yogyakarta State University Office Administration Education, was held well on Saturday (2/17) at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, UNY. As stated by Yudha Pria Wibawa as the chairman of the committee, “I am proud because it turns out that the Office Day event received quite an enthusiastic response from the participants of the competition and seminar. Although, this event is only organized by the class committee to fulfill the practical Event Management coursework which is led by Ms. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma”.
“The Office Day Seminar and Contest was attended by students from all over Yogyakarta-Central Java. The event started at 08.00 and started with a seminar themed “Welcoming the Digital Era through Office Automation” which was presented by 2 speakers, namely Hendanti Wisnu Saputro, S.T., M.Sc., he is the head of the Information System Development Integration (DSSDI) UGM and Dr. Sutirman, M.Pd. he is the Executive Board of the Association and Practitioner of Indonesian Office Administration. “said Siti Ngudiyati, as the event section. “This seminar was also guided by a moderator who was the finalist for the 2015 Indonesian Muslim Women, namely Erma Diah Putri Nugrahanti. After the seminar ended at 10.30 WIB, the event continued with a Grooming competition with the theme Modern Office Style and English Public Speaking with the theme "The Existence of Office in the Digital Era". - alternating. The jury consisted of Indra Gunawan, S.Pd and Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Si as grooming judges and Dewi Nurul Lailatun Mubarokah, S.Pd and Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Si as the judge of English Public Speaking. The competition event ended at 12.30 and continued with the entertainment of the acoustic band from D'Rangers and KP Coustic, as well as several performances from the participants who contributed songs." Siti added.
The event ended with the announcement of the competition, for the Grooming competition; Best Costume was won by Alfan Kurniawan from STTNAS, third place was won by Nur Aini Gita Sari from UNY, second place was won by Utari Retno Tejowati Rumpoko from STTKD, and first place was won by Shabrina Darayanti from UNY while for the English Public Speaking competition; Best Speaker went to Akhmalia Miftachul Ulung from UMY, third place went to Yuli Suryaningsih from UNY, second place went to Teguh Wicaksono from UNY, and first place went to Imelda Bella Megadihas from Sanata Dharma University. Each winner received a Trophy, coaching money, certificate of appreciation, and merchandise from Mazaya Cosmetic and Jolie. "This event is sponsored by Special Sambal (SS), Gudeg Mbarek, Yusuf Fotocopy, Jolie, Kopma UNY, Mazaya, Elita Kerudung, Movie Box, with media partners Limuny and Magenta Radio," Yudha added. (Evntz/Cs)
Seminar “Menyongsong Era Digital melalui Otomatisasi Perkantoran”
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