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PUBG mobile Seventary tournament 2020 by Aksaara EO ADP 2018 FE UNY
Yogyakarta (13/12). Seeing the current conditions and situation with the outbreak of the Covid-19 outbreak which has had a great influence in all sectors of life, whether social, cultural, political, economic, including the world of education, it cannot be separated from the influence of this relatively new epidemic.
The impact of the education sector is that all teaching and learning activities both on campus and at school are carried out online. Adaptation to new habits must be carried out for the continuity of learning activities to take place. This impact also has an influence on practical learning that cannot run optimally. Not spared from this impact are event organizer courses that must be carried out online.
This situation has prompted several D3 students of FE UNY office administration who are members of the Aksaara event organizer to have the idea to organize an event entitled "SPEKTA EVENT SECRETARY TOURNAMENT". Aksaara EO was formed from the event organizer course taught by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma. This SEVENTARY TOURNAMENT is an E-sport competition for PUBG Mobile. The choice of the PUBG mobile competition was based on conditions that made it impossible to hold face-to-face events and saw the increasing interest in E-sports players since this pandemic.
This SEVENTARY tournament will be held on 12 -13 December 2020 which will be broadcast live via the EO script youtube channel. This tournament was participated by 44 E-sport teams spread throughout Indonesia. This tournament competes for a prize pool of Rp. 2,600,000 with Rp. 1,000,000 for 1st place, 2nd place Rp. 800,000, and 3rd place Rp. 600,000, as well as mostkill of Rp. 200,000. The first day was the group stage which was divided between the two teams in Group A and Group B, accompanied by casters Razan Arvin Pradipa Wahyu Hamizan and Ika setyaningsih. on the second day is the final and peak event of SEVENTARY 2020. At the peak event, MC Mistakhul Ilmy and Jordhy Beally Korua were also present. On the second day, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Dr.Siswanto, M.Pd, was also present. who gave a speech at the closing of the event delivered via video. Not to be missed, the supervisor of the Event organizer course, Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Sc. who also provided direction and welcome to the students involved in the event.
In the final of this severtary tournament, the 3rd place winner was won by the Neverdie team, the 2nd place was won by the WAOW Star team, and the 1st place was won by the Guardians Glory team. For the mostkill category, it was won by Babang Sorek, the Neverdie team. With this event, it is hoped that it will capture the interests and talents of the community in the field of E-sports and seek the talents of E-sport athletes in the future. This event can be seen on the youtube link (PR/cs)
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