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SMK Muhammadiyah Salaman Magelang and SMK N 1 Kebumen Office Practice at the Laboratory of the Department of Administrative Education FE UNY

The trend of study visits from schools has shifted. If in the past most schools only visited tourist attractions to unwind students, now more and more are adding educational and industrial places to their list of visits. This is also the case at UNY, including the Faculty of Economics (FE), which has increasingly received visits from various schools in recent years. This was conveyed by the Dean of FE UNY Sugiharsono welcoming a visit from a school some time ago.
FE UNY often gets visits from schools, both students who are accompanied by teachers, as well as subject teachers' deliberation teams (MGMP) from certain districts. Not only to obtain information about new student admissions, several schools also hold practical activities in laboratories available at FE UNY.
Pada 16-17 Januari kemarin, FE UNY menerima kunjungan dari SMK Muhammadiyah Salaman Magelang, SMK N 1 Kebumen, dan SMK Sunan Drajat Lamongan. SMK Muhammadiyah Salaman Magelang dan SMK N 1 Kebumen melakukan kunjungan ke laboratorium di jurusan Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran dan mengikuti sebagian kegiatan praktik yang diajarkan di lab tersebut.
The principal of SMK Sunan Drajat Lamongan, Masbudi, expressed his appreciation for the remarks given by FE UNY. "We hope that by seeing firsthand how the campus is physically and student activities in it, students can get motivation to continue their studies up to college," he explained. Meanwhile, Nurul Aini as the Principal of SMK N 1 Kebumen admitted that Yogyakarta is still a big magnet for students to study. “The proximity of Kebumen and Yogyakarta, as well as the relatively affordable cost of living are factors that cause Yogyakarta to be coveted by many students and parents. By visiting here, hopefully students can get a lot of information that will help them to continue their studies at UNY,” he explained. (fadhli)
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