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Yogyakarta, 5/12 – National Level Online Short Video Competition for SMA/SMK or LOVE ON Students organized by the Organizefully Event Organizer for one day, on Saturday, December 5, 2020. This event took place virtually using the Zoom Meeting platform and live streaming on the Organizefully Event Organizer Youtube channel. The event was held virtually in view of the Covid-19 pandemic with the aim of avoiding the spread of the corona virus. This event is an event held as a fulfillment of the tasks of the Event Organizer course for the DIII Office Administration students of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University batch 2018 with the accompanying lecturer Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma. The event was also attended by 86 LOVE ON participants from 17 provinces in Indonesia, 23 Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, and 170 Talkshow participants from various regions as well.
This event is motivated by the rise of information and communication technology that is widely developed in all fields in this modern era, which really helps humans in socializing. It also has a good impact on establishing relationships between others and conveying new ideas or ideas in social life. Of course, people, especially young people, have used social media a lot. The development of digital photos is also supported by increasingly sophisticated computer software tools such as film editing programs such as Pineacle 9, Ulead 8, 9, 10 and Adobe Premiere and photo editing such as Photoshop, Corel Draw 12, facilitating the processing of excellent results in accordance with the desired artistic imagination. . But unfortunately, the progress of digital camera devices and software is lacking and even not used optimally by camera owners. Therefore, it is necessary to continue holding various events in the context of online short video competitions. This competition was held to provide creative space for high school/vocational high school students and students in the field of videography and took the theme of the activity "Adaptation of New Normal Habits in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic".
Various types of unique short videos were included in this event and also featured an interesting talkshow discussing the world of videography by one of the speakers, "Raymundus Bagaskara", who is a videographer-EMAC UNY. The talkshow lasted for 40 minutes and was followed by a discussion session or a question and answer session for 20 minutes. Best 15 nominations from 81 LOVE ON participants who sent video links were won by:
1. Alvin Murdiandi Pangestu from Sahid University Jakarta with a total score of 275.50
2. Anisa Puji Rahmawati from SMKN 3 Kediri with a total score of 271.25
3. Andre Agung Nugraha from SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu with a total score of 267.40
4. Mochammad Rafianto Syahputra from SMA Negeri 7 Kediri with a total number of likes and viewers 3,892
5. Muhammad Lutfi Erlangga from Bhayangkara University, Jakarta Raya Bekasi with a total score of 264.5
6. Rafif Aryaduta Laksana from SMA Negeri 1 Tuban with a total score of 264.05
7. Amelia Rizki Setioningrum from Wahid Hasyim University Semarang with a total score of 264
8. Syauqi Abdullah Firdaus from Al Adzkar High School with a total score of 263.65
9. Rani Febrianti Mugiono from SMA Negeri 1 Surabaya with a total score of 263.60
10. Muhammad Raihan Fadhillah from UPN Veterans Jakarta with a total score of 261.90
11. Aditya Bramantio from Sebelas Maret University with a total score of 260.50
12. Mustaqim from Mercu Buana University with a total score of 259.55
13. Agung Seno Aji from SMA Negeri 3 Bantul with a total score of 259.25
14. Novandri Pasaribu from Bogor Agricultural University with a total score of 257.20
15. Fikri Fariz Fadhillah from SMA Negeri 1 Cianjur with a total score of 256.25
The total score explained that the 1st place was won by Alvin Murdiandi Pangestu from Sahid Jakarta University with a total score of 275.50, the 2nd place was won by Anisa Puji Rahmawati from SMKN 3 Kediri with a total score of 271.25, the 3rd place was won by Andre Agung Nugraha from SMA Negeri 7 Bengkulu with a total score of 267.40 and the last one is the favorite winner determined by the number of likes and viewers achieved by Mochammad Rafianto Syahputra from SMA N 7 Kediri with a total score of 3,892. This event can be watched on the youtube link . Nia/cs
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