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The final project (TA) is a student's scientific paper, which is the culmination of the scientific thinking process in accordance with the discipline, which is prepared to fulfill the requirements for obtaining a degree according to the level (Writing Guidelines for TA UNY, 2011). The undergraduate final project is in the form of Thesis Final Project (TAS), Non Thesis Final Project (TABS), and Final Project.
The Office Administration Education Study Program held a TAS Seminar for Office Administration Education students class 2010 and PKS (Continuing Study Education) class 2011 in the Auditorium FE UNY on Saturday 15 June 2013.
The event was opened by the Head of Office Administration Education Study Program, Joko Kumoro, M.Sc. Submission of material by two resource persons, namely Suranto, M.Pd. M.Si. and Djihad Hisham, M.Pd.
The preparation and writing of theses functions as research and development, namely an effort to solve a problem scientifically and objectively so as to produce various creative ideas in accordance with the specialization field of Office Administration Education. The material was delivered by Suranto. Meanwhile, Djihad said that Administrative is a scientific product that can be communicated to the public through certain media and at the same time shows the field of expertise of a scholar that may later be useful in relation to placement in the field of work for a college graduate.
the students who will take the examination of the undergraduate trial should be aware that writing a thesis has a specific purpose academically. With this awareness, students should carry out their activities seriously based on objectivity and science as well as independence and maturity as prospective scholars. Thus, they can try to maintain the quality of their work as a characteristic of their expertise and abilities.
if the student has reached that level of quality awareness, the eye does not need to doubt that the work is "originally made" or "originally finished", and does not entrust the creation and writing to others, Joko Kumoro when opening the event. (Fn)
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