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D3 Office Administration and Secretarial Education Study Program students won the overall winner in the GIPSI competition

The Administrative Education Department of UNY has successfully won medals in the 2017 GIPSI (Indonesian Office Science Festival) competition which was held at the Vocational Program at the University of Indonesia on July 24-26 2017. The GIPSI (Indonesian Office Science Festival) event in 2017 became an event This prestigious event was held for the first time by the Office Administration Education Student Forum (FORMAPSI) throughout Indonesia. Through FORMAPSI, students with the same knowledge clump can exchange information and stay in touch to improve their competencies in order to face the current job competition. The first day of the GIPSI activity was filled with seminars with the material "Digital-Based Office Management" delivered by Mr. Mirza Manthovani (Leader/Representative of Bank BNI Syariah), then the second material session was delivered by Mr. Borries Putra (Practitioner) with the theme "Culture at Tech Startup: are you ready for it?”, The next material is Wokshop (Archive Tools Management) Ferry Faried (Deputy Marketing Manager of PT Bino Mitra Sejati (Bantex), The fourth session material is “Workshop (Office 365, The Productivity of Cloud Office Service)” by Wahyu Noviantoro (UI Vocational Lecturer).
The competition activities were carried out on the second day in parallel. The GIPSI competition was participated by several universities in Indonesia, namely the University of Indonesia (UI), Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Bandung State Polytechnic (POLBAN), Tarakanita College of Communication and Secretary Jakarta, Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI). ), Semarang State University (UNNES), Surabaya State University (UNESA), Jakarta State Polytechnic (PNJ), Sriwijaya State Polytechnic (POLSRI), and Sriwijaya University (UNSRI). In this competition, UNY won 12 medals and was named the 2017 GIPSI General Champion.
The team from UNY itself consists of 12 people, with 7 students from the Office Administration Education Study Program and 5 people from the D3 Secretarial Study Program. The fields contested in the GIPSI competition include Indonesian Grooming and Public Speaking, English Public Speaking, Creative Super Resume, Sensational Power Point, Microsoft Excel, 10 Fingers Typing, and English Correspondent.
To take part in the competition, the team from UNY itself has carried out preparations and training with expert supervisors according to the field of competition for 3 weeks in a row before the D day of the competition. The results of the hard work that has been done have finally paid off. UNY won several winners including Ekwina Anggraini Putri (D3 Secretarial Study Program) who won 1st place in the Indonesian Gooming and Public Speaking competition, Odilia Herlita Puspa Dewi (Office Administration Study Program) won 2nd place in the Indonesian Grooming and Public Speaking competition, Andrian Eko Susanto ( Office Administration Study Program) won 1st place in the Creative Super Resume competition and 1st place in the Sensational Power Point competition, Michel Ike Permatasari (D3 Secretarial Study Program) won 2nd place in the Creative Super Resume competition and 3rd place in the English Correspondence competition, Dwi Ros Indah (Pend. Office Administration) won 1st place in Microsoft Excel and 3rd place in Creative Super Resume, Dina Faizah (D3 Secretarial Study Program) won 2nd place in Microsoft Excel, Isnani Sri Hartanti (Office Administration Education Study Program) won 2nd place in Sensational Power Point competition, Intan Kurnia F. (D3 Secretarial Study Program) won 3rd place in the Sensational Power Point competition, and Teguh Wicaksono (Office Administration Study Program) won 3rd place English Public Speaking competition. The end of a series of activities for the GIPSI Competition (Indonesian Office Science Festival) in 2017 was a Company Visit to PT Telkomsel Jakarta. (Ratna/Arwan).
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