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Writing is a significant channel of expression. Ideas in the mass media are read by thousands of people. Writing is also an attempt to pass on knowledge. Therefore, writing is an important foundation of every human civilization.
Those are some of the core points that emerged in the Journalism Training, which was held by the Office and Administration Education Student Association, FISE, UNY. The event took place in the Ki Hajar Dewantara Room, FISE UNY, Tuesday (22/3). The training was opened by Sutirman, M.Pd., the coach of HIMA ADP FISE UNY.
Sutirman welcomed the continuity of this journalistic training event. He hopes that ADP students will be able to raise their creativity in writing papers. “In the past two years, ADP students have rarely been able to produce written works, either in the form of scientific works or journalistic articles. Hopefully in the future it will be even better,” said this ADP Department lecturer in his speech to open the event.
This journalistic training presented Halili, a PKnH lecturer as well as Editor-in-Chief of FISE UNY Magazine, and Triyanto P. Nugroho, Head of BEM FISE UNY for the period of 2009 who is also a journalist on the FISE UNY website.
Mekel, as Triyanto is usually called, said that the basic essence of journalistic writing is actually just "preaching". Journalistic work is basically a story with a specific purpose and message. In order for the message to be written, it must be comprehensive. "Therefore, a news story should contain elements of 5W+1H," said the 2006 student of Geography Education.
A journalistic writing, continued Mekel, consists of a standard structure: lead (beginning), body (content), ending (cover). Leads are paragraphs or sentences that harass readers to want to continue reading the news. It contains preliminary facts. The body contains facts or quotes that support the lead, including citing sources of information. While the ending contains the conclusion of the news content, an explanation of the next steps or other additions.
Meanwhile, Halili emphasized that writing articles or essays for opinion columns in the mass media, in addition to paying attention to writing techniques, must also pay attention to the actual issues that are happening. "Good writing is the result of a lot of reading and observing phenomena," he said.
Halili also reminded the importance of choosing a title. It should be noted that the eye-catcher title is also short in length. "The title should be no more than 6 words", continued the lecturer whose writings have been published in local and national newspapers.
This training ends with the formation of a group of participants. Participants are required to produce a journalistic writing. The writing will be used as a condition for taking the certificate [triiyanto/liel]
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