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Jakarta, 12/10. UNY S1 Office Administration Education Department student, Teguh Wicaksono took part in the English Speech Competition national championship organized by SEMA FIKOM-KMUP from the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Pancasila University (UP) Jakarta in a series of events "Communication Fair Pancasila University 2018". In the competition, Teguh managed to become the best and won First Place. The "Communication Fair 2018" event also competed in several branches of competitions related to the realm of communication, including: News Anchor Competition, Poster Design, Speech, Photography, and Short Film Contest. Most of the participants who participated in this event came from students majoring in communication science from Jabodetabek, but there were also participants from other provinces such as Banten, West Java, and DIY. The first day of the competition was held specifically for the News Anchor and Speech competition at Fikom UP, for other competitions a closed judging was held by assessing all the works sent via email to the competition committee.
On the second day of the ComFair 2018 series of events, a National Seminar was held in the Hall of the UP Tourism Faculty with the theme "Preventing Provocation on Social Media to Maintain National Unity." The speakers at the seminar included SCTV News Presenters Joy Astro, RCTI News Presenters Jihan Novitasari and Cannia Citta Irlanie, each speaker brought material on how to prevent provocation on social media which was then followed by a question and answer session, after the presentation of material from several experts in the field of Indonesian journalism, the seminar continued with Stand Up Comedy entertainment by Stand Up Comedia Indonesia Musdalifah which was quite Entertaining the atmosphere at that time, after a series of seminars were passed, it was time for the announcement of the competition which began with the announcement of the Speech competition, the 3rd and 2nd place winners of the Speech Contest were won by Pancasila University students and the First Place was won by Teguh Wicaksono, an Admin Education student. UNY's office administration. The following is Teguh's statement after winning the competition, "Alhamdulillah, thank you to Allah SWT who has given me the opportunity to win this championship. This competition is my fifth championship in the field of Public Speaking and I feel proud of my achievement, of course this achievement is the result of my hard work so far and I dedicate it to my beloved lecturers on campus. This is a form of my contribution and dedication to the department of office administration education at UNY, and I hope this achievement can make my department even better in the future and more fragrant at UNY, this is also my mission before graduating I want to make the department more fragrant and victorious at UNY campus, thank you to all the lecturers, friends, and parents who I am proud of. Thanks to you, I was able to stand up to fight for this department, thank you”. With these achievements, the department of administrative education is more motivated and more enthusiastic to make achievements in global competition in the future. (tew/cs)
Teguh Wicaksono menerima sertifikat sebagai juara 1 di ajang lomba speech ComFair Universitas Pancasila
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