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BONAFEST is an event organized by the 2015 Office Administration Education S1 study program as a final project for the Event Management course. BONAFEST 2016 lasted for one full day (22/12) at the UNY Auditorium with the theme "Art, Culture, & Sociopreneur". This event consists of a series of talk shows and various competitions. For the talk show, the committee invited speakers from a businessman named Ardhi Setyo Putranto; owner Banana Queen. And the competition itself consists of a Design Competition, a Character Make Up Competition, a Traditional Creation Dance Competition and a Fashion Show Competition. In addition, BONAFEST also provides 20 bazaar stands in the form of various food and beverage stands.
The competition held at the BONAFEST event is intended for the general public. So that the participants of the competition are not only from school children, but also from students and some workers or employees. And in accordance with the theme of this event, the competitions also carry themes related to art and culture. For example, the theme of the character make-up contest is “Make Culture As Your Character”.
The winners of these competitions, of course, also come from various backgrounds, ages, and various regions. The Design Competition was won by Fajar Fitriyani (I), Zianasti Krisjayusman (II), Zukhalia Noor Failasufa (III). The Character Make Up Contest was won by Asrifa Sakinah (I), Riana Kumalasari (II), and Evita Rahmawati (III). The Traditional Creation Dance Competition was won by the Sanggar Sekar Rinonce group (I), the Extrada group at SMA N 2 Jombang (II), and the Nursing Dance Club UMY group (III). And lastly, the Fashion Show Competition was won by Zalika Salma Ramadhani (I), Madya Birawa Suprapto (II), Nastiti Lintang Kinasih (III), Defani Ayuning Larasati (Best Make Up), Endah Rosita Tofani (Best Costume), Ismi Tri Wahyuni (Best Catwalk), and Dini Chaerunisa (Top Model).
In supporting this event, the BONAFEST committee also collaborated with D3 Beauty Makeup Study Program students, Faculty of Engineering, UNY. The committee provided a place and time for them to perform a drama entitled Keong Emas, which was their final project. This drama was shown as a distraction from a series of competitions before the Fashion Show competition started, and their performances managed to get appreciation from the audience.
BONAFEST 2016 also featured several performers, both from inside (FE UNY students) and outside parties to entertain visitors. Fillers from within are from students of Office Administration Education and Music Community FE UNY. Meanwhile, the performers from outside, which were displayed during the peak night, were from Jendela Band and Gamelawan were also able to enliven the atmosphere. And the highlight of BONAFEST 2016 was closed with the appearance of DJ Wisnan.
The BONAFEST event, even though it was held for the first time, could be said to be successful. This event also received a positive response from various parties. “Being a part of BONAFEST is fun. Even though we all feel tired of managing everything, from preparation to the event, but because we are close friends, everything can be done easily and we can work together easily too,” said Andrian Eko Susanto, Chairman of the BONAFEST Committee, when asked about his impressions. for the 2016 BONAFEST event. “And we as the 2016 BONAFEST committee would like to thank our media partners (RRI and Magenta Radio) and also to the sponsors of Navagreen, Starcross, Roemi, anyway, movie box, elitea, BRI, chili beans, Mr. Teto, Kopma UNY, Zupparela, English Cafe, Print Shop, Bowling, Reisa garage, who have supported this event so that it can berjalan dengan lancar.”, tambahnya. (susi)//)
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