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Nuskara EO PADP FE UNY 2019 held a National Broadcasting Competition

Yogyakarta, (05/06) – Currently, it is very important for us to know what information is happening around us and outside, therefore through social media or television media such as news, for example, we can use it to access information related to the situation. at the moment. For this reason, it is necessary to have a workforce in the Presenter and Reporter field, of course, to get the latest information. Therefore, Nuntius Askara Event Organizer or known as (NUSKARA EO) held a competition activity, namely Broadcasting Competition. Broadcasting Competition is an event held by the Office Administration Education study program, in order to fulfill the tasks of the Event Management course which is led by Mrs. Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Sc. This event consists of 2 branches of competition, namely News Presenter and Reporter. This national level competition was participated by 34 participants from 17 universities in Indonesia. The systematic theme in making the video was given a choice consisting of 5 themes, namely Natural Disaster, Covid-19 Pandemic, Vaccination, PSBB Policy, and Social Assistance. Registration for this competition is held from April 16 - May 22, 2021, then participants upload videos on April 18 - May 22, 2021. After uploading the video, the committee and judges will select the top 8 finalists to be announced on May 28, 2021. After That will be a Technical Meeting of the 8 Finalists on May 30, 2021. Then a public test will be held on June 5, 2021.
Of the 34 participants, 8 major finalists will be taken for each branch of the competition. There will also be a public test, at the peak event on June 5, 2021. In the public test participants are also assessed and commented on by the three judges who certainly have experience in the field of public speaking, namely Bayu Hariesta (Jogja TV Presenter), Mr. Sigit Andrianto, MIKom ( Lecturer of Office Administration at Yogyakarta State University), and Gilang Adikara (Lecturer of Communication Studies at Yogyakarta State University). Based on the assessments of the three judges, the 1,2,3 and 1,2,3 and 1, 2 and 3 hope winners for each branch of the competition were selected. For the Presenter competition category, the first runners-up were Adrian Pradnaditya (STMM MMTC Yogyakarta), Muhammad Happy Alhaq (UNY), Cute Mayodi (UNY). And for the Reporter competition category, the first hopeful winners were Salsabila Yahya (UNY), Sri Utami (UNY), Yasmin Jihad Fitria Putri (UNY). And for the Presenter competition category, the first place was won by Prihatin Reformasi Zega (UBL), the second winner was won by Anggria Ratri Nagrah V (STMM MMTC Yogyakarta), and the third winner was won by Bima Maulana Rahmad H (UNS). And for the Reporter competition category, the first place was won by Nicholas Feby Kurniawan (UAJ), the second winner was won by Achi Wilfa Jaya (IAIN Jember), and the third winner was won by Linda Ariska (Bhayangkara University). This event is sponsored by Installment Sponsor, Gettook, and Emina. As well as with media partners Lomba_mahasiwa, Info.event, Indonesian student info, Sejutacita, siswa.uny, lombamahasiswa, eventcampus, Ormada Magelang, event.mahasiswa3, competence students, Infolombaplus, Gudanglomba.ind, eventlomba.indo, Magenta radio UNY and rdk_fm. The event can be watched on the official fe uny youtube page (alf/cs).
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