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Visit of SMK As Saabiq Singaparna Tasikmalaya to Study Program of Office Administration FE UNY
As many as 80 students of class X Skills Competence in Office Automation and Governance (OTKP) and Accounting along with accompanying teachers at SMK As Saabiq Singaparna Tasikmalaya West Java visited FE UNY on Friday (8/3). The visit is intended to acquaint students with the college. In addition, the school also invites students to get to know the world of business and industry (DUDI) by visiting several companies.
The group was led directly by the Principal H. Dadang Syarif Hidayat, M.Pd. and was welcomed by Deputy Dean II Nurhadi, MM and staff. Presentation material about the faculty and Department of Pend. Adm. The office was delivered by the department's lecturer, Wahyu Rusdiyanto, MM.
Dadang said in his speech, SMK As Saabiq Singaparna Tasikmalaya has been established since 2007. “We try to give students insight into the business world and industry by visiting in person. This year, we visited the Madukismo sugar company in Yogyakarta. In addition, we also introduce the world of higher education so that they have the motivation to continue their education in the future,” he explained. (fadhli)
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