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Nasional English Writting Essay and Public Speaking Competition 2021 Sukses diselenggarakan Naradipta EO PADP 2019 dan FLIC Lab. Bahasa Inggris Bisnis FE UNY

Saturday (8/5) Seeing the current situation and conditions with the outbreak of COVID-19 which has not been completed and resolved, it has had a considerable influence in all sectors of life. This also has an impact on event organizer management courses that must be carried out online. This event management course is a course that is used as a creative forum for students to think critically to create an idea about an event that is actually held.
Naradipta.EO has an idea to hold the “National English Writing Essay and Public Speaking Competition 2021” event. With the theme "The Existence of The Youth Power in The Science and Technology Development of Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era". Naradipta EO was formed from an event organizer management course taught by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma M.Sc. This National English Writing Essay and Public Speaking is a competition for writing essays and also a public speaking competition where both subjects are required to use English. Naradipta EO in collaboration with Lab. Business English FLIC FE UNY in organizing this national competition.
The National English Writing Essay and Public Speaking competition will be held on May 8, 2021, which will be held online via the ZOOM platform and broadcast live on the Youtube Channel of feunyofficial and EO naradipta. This competition was participated by 34 English writing essay participants and 23 public speaking participants from 23 universities in 6 provinces. For the public soccer competition, there are 2 stages, namely stage 1, elimination of the top 10 finalists for public speaking participants and stage 2, namely the final public speaking on May 8, 2021 along with the announcement of the winner of the English writing essay and also the announcement of the winner of public speaking. Meanwhile, the winner of the English writing essay will be announced directly in the final public speaking. The judges for the English writing essay are Kristina Wasiyati, S.Pd., M.Hum., Dewi Nurul Lailatun M, M.Pd., and Nadia Sasmita W, S.A.B., M.Si. As for the public speaking judges, namely Kristina Wasiyati, S.Pd., M.Hum., Dewi Nurul Lailatun M, M.Pd., and Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma M.Sc. This competition won a prize pool of IDR 750,000 for 1st place, IDR 500,000 for 2nd place, and IDR 250,000 for 3rd place for English writing essays and for public speaking won a prize pool of IDR 1,250,000 for 1st place, IDR 1,000,000 for 2nd place, and IDR 750 for 3rd place. .000 and certificates for all participants in English writing essay and public speaking.
At the final public speaking event, MC Cedar Aisyah Sukma was also accompanied by MC. In the final public speaking, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Sutirman, S.Pd., M.Pd. who gave a speech at the opening of the event. Not to be missed, the supervisor of the event organizer management course, Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, M.Si who also gave a speech and also attended all lecturers of Office Administration Education, Office Administration Education Students and all participants in essay writing and public speaking competitions. In this public speaking final announcement, Rey Abraham from President University won the 1st place, Cornelia Elviera Denori from Sanata Dharma University won the 2nd place, and Eka Septian from Sanata Dharma University won the 3rd place for the winner. As for the 1st and 2nd place winners, Utari Nurfitriandra, Venice Chandara from London School PR, respectively, while the 3rd place winners went to Fathiya Kahiriya from ITB. As for the English writing essay, the 1st place was won by Saefu Robani from Gajah Mada University, the 2nd place was won by Audrey Salsza Maret Roberte & Luthfan Taufiqul Hafizh from the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, and for the 3rd place was won by Hasemy Rafsanjani & Faradiba Firdaus from the University Trunojoyo Madura. For the third place winner, Novia Keren Cahyanti from Sanata Dharma University, Meriska Saharani & Robby Ananda from Lampung University, and Yosefin Cintatya Cahya Safira from Gajah Mada University.
By holding this event, it is hoped that it can capture the interests and talents of students in the fields of English essay writing and public speaking in the future. The implementation of this event can be seen on the youtube link: (Nur/cs)
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