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Students of SMKN 1 Kebumen Try an Office Simulation in the Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics, UNY

The Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY again received a visit from the school. Last Saturday (28/2), SMK N 1 Kebumen had the opportunity to see firsthand the youngest faculty at UNY and its laboratories. A total of 95 students and accompanying teachers of SMK N 1 Kebumen led by the Head of the delegation Mohammad Mumfasil, S.Pd., M.Pd were received by the Secretary of the Department of Office Administration Education, Purwanto, M.M., M.Pd., along with several Pend lecturers. Adm. office. As explained by the group leader, this visit is one part of the competency skills for students. The students can get to know the faculty that may be the place where they will continue their studies.
Purwanto explained that FE was the last faculty to be born at UNY. “The embryo has been born since the beginning of UNY. Meanwhile, the Office Administration Education Department was the last to join the FE after previously being held at the Faculty of Social Sciences," he said.
Mumfasil, who is also an alumnus of UNY, explained that the Office Administration major has important and useful competencies when in the world of work. “Typing and shorthand skills are very helpful in my work. Even though I didn't study in this department, the shorthand lessons I got when I was in Vocational High School were really useful in helping me record lecture material," he said.
“With this visit, we hope to introduce students to various skills and modern equipment used in the business world. Students also become more motivated to continue their studies at the tertiary level,” hoped the Deputy Principal for Public Relations.
Accompanied by several students from the Department of Office Administration Education and accompanying lecturers, the students of SMK N 1 Kebumen were given the opportunity to try firsthand various things regarding office management in the Office Simulation Laboratory, digital archive management in the Computer Laboratory, as well as equipment used in offices at the Technology Laboratory. office. (fadhli)
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