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The visit of SMK Swadaya Temanggung to the Department of P. ADP FE UNY

A total of 126 students of SMK Swadaya Temanggung along with 10 accompanying teachers visited the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY last Wednesday (3/2). Located in the Auditorium room, the group, which are class XI students in the area of Office Administration expertise, were welcomed by lecturers from the Department of Office Administration Education, Faculty of Economics, UNY. In addition to the lecturers, the Dean, Deputy Dean III, and the Head of Public Relations of FE UNY also welcomed the arrival of the group. This visit is intended to introduce students and teachers to the world of lectures in general and the treasures in the field of Office Administration in particular.
Dean of FE UNY Dr. Sugiharsono, M.Si. explained that FE UNY is the youngest faculty at UNY whose entry selection is one of the strictest at UNY. “But of course that is not an excuse not to try and study hard. There are many paths that can be used, ranging from SNMPTN, SBMPTN, to Independent Selection. In addition, various scholarships are also ready to help launch studies to completion,” he said.
As stated by the Principal of SMK Swadaya Temanggung, H. Muhasyim, S.Pd., this visit will be able to provide benefits for both parties. “Hopefully the students will be more motivated to continue their studies in higher education. In addition, the teachers also hope to be able to take many lessons from this visit to be applied in the next teaching, “he hoped.
“Swadaya Vocational School itself also continues to grow. The Office Administration area of expertise is the favorite in our school with three parallel classes. At the beginning of last February, we just agreed to cooperate with Microsoft Indonesia. With this, we become the first school in Central Java to use legal Microsoft software on all office computers and laptops as well as teachers and employees," he added.
During the visit, the students had the opportunity to visit laboratories owned by the Office Administration Education department. In the Office Simulation laboratory, students see a mini office space that is prepared to study various administrative activities of a company. In the Computer and Digital Archives laboratory, students see digital archiving procedures and various equipment. While in the Typing laboratory and Office Technology laboratory, students can learn about manual typewriters, electronic typewriters, to various equipment and technologies commonly used in the administration of a company. (fadhli)
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