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The Office Administration Education Study Program, FIS UNY, held a study program development seminar with the theme "Revitalization of the Office Administration Education Study Program Facing the Dynamics of the Job Market", taking place in the Ki Hadjar Dewantara Room, FIS UNY, last Saturday (28/4). This seminar presents resource persons Dra. Sugi Rahayu, MPd., MSi. (UNY), Dr. Rasto (UPI), Jop Ginting, SIP.MM. (Dispora Prov DIY), and Drs. Eka Setiadi (SMKN 1 Depok). The seminar which was attended by around 100 participants was officially opened by the Dean of FIS UNY, Prof. Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Ag.
In his remarks, the Dean of FIS UNY expressed his hope that after attending this seminar, he would be able to provide insight, information, and objective data for the PADP extended family to be taken into consideration in the development of study programs to face future challenges.
Dra. Sugi Rahayu, MPd., M.Si. presented the revitalization of the PADP Study Program from the historical and curriculum aspects. From the historical aspect, the name and institution of PADP has undergone various changes. Meanwhile, from the curriculum aspect, it shows PADP's commitment to always reconstruct the curriculum in accordance with the study program objectives, namely to produce professional office administration education personnel.
Dr. Rasto, an academic as well as the Head of the Office Management Education Study Program, FPEB UPI Bandung, conveyed the idea of the need to revitalize PADP institutions based on the labor market. Institutional revitalization in most state LPTK universities in Indonesia, positioning PADP in the economics faculty. "Currently there is an institution called the Economic Education Association (APE), which is a forum for communication and partnership between study programs under the auspices of the economics faculty," said Rasto.
Jop Ginting, SIP., MM describes the formation and recruitment system for vocational teachers. According to Jop Ginting, the formation of teachers is based on the needs in the field (schools). PADP graduates in the labor market are Vocational Schools in Business Management Expertise (formerly known as SMEA). While Drs. Eka Setiadi said that for schools what was required was that PADP students could be prepared to master teacher competency standards. (sur)
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