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Arwan, Gets a Training Opportunity to the Vocational Program at the University of Indonesia

Arwan, Lecturer of Office Administration Education Study Program Participates in Administrative Training and Office Laboratory Management at the University of Indonesia Vocational Program Arwan Nur Ramadhan is a teaching staff at the Office Administration Education Study Program FE UNY. The lecturer had the opportunity to attend non-degree education from the Islamic Development Bank 7 in 1 in the country at the expense of the RPM IDB Loan IND-0168 with a budget of Rp. 26,595,600,- (twenty six million five hundred ninety five thousand six hundred rupiah) and realized that the amount of Rp. 26,135,600,- (twenty six million one hundred thirty five thousand six hundred rupiah).
The training activities at the Vocational Program at the University of Indonesia were received by the Head of Business, Tourism, and Office Studies/Head of the Office Administration Study Program and the Secretary of the Vocational Education Program at the University of Indonesia, Mr. Drs. Mohammad Riduansyah, M.Si. and at the same time give a speech. Mr. Drs. Mohammad Riduansyah, M.Si. accompanied by related officials at the University of Indonesia Vocational Education Program, namely: 1) Mrs. Dra. Sri Susalih, M.Sc. as Secretary for Business, Tourism and Office Studies; 2) Mr. Mohammad Rida, S.Sos., M.Sc. as Manager of Cooperation, Public Relations, and Ventures; 3) Mrs. Mila Viendyasari, S.Sos., M.Sc. as Marketing Manager of the University of Indonesia Vocational Institute; 4) Mr. Istiadi, SE. MM. M.Si. as Head of the Office and Secretarial Laboratory in the Office Administration and Secretarial Study Program; and Mr. Sancoko, S.Sos., M.E. who is a Permanent Lecturer in the Insurance and Actuarial Administration Study Program at the Vocational Program at the University of Indonesia. The opening activity was followed by a question and answer session related to the implementation of the training program and information about the UI Vocational Institute in more detail and then continued with a comprehensive training session for each competency.
The training activities were carried out for 18 days starting from August 28, 2016 to September 14, 2016 at the Vocational Institute of the University of Indonesia. The materials presented in the training activities are: 1) Introduction to Office Administration; 2) Secretarial; 3) Meeting and Travel Arrangements; 4) Excellent Service; 5) Petty Cash Management; 6) Office Simulation; 7) Filing Techniques; 8) Managing Email with Outlook; 9) Meeting Arrangement and Contact Management with Outlook; 10) Public Relations for Secretary; 11) Office Laboratory Management; 12) Office Technology Application (Correspondency); 13) Personal Income tax (PPH 21); 14) Homan Resource for Office Management; and 15) Digital Archives. Each training material is taken for 8 hours and the total hours taken in the training is 120 hours.
Here are some documentation of training activities
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