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Kulon Progo Color Fun, Celebrating World AIDS Day in Kulon Progo Regency

Wates (2/12). UNY Secretariat D3 students who are members of an event organizer called "Roro Production" in collaboration with the AIDS Commission of Kulon Progo Regency held an event called Kulon Progo Color Fun on Sunday (2/12) at Wates Square, Kulon Progo Regency. This event carries the theme “Color Day for a Healthy and HIV/AIDS Free Spirit” to commemorate World AIDS Day to raise awareness to the public about the AIDS epidemic caused by the HIV virus.
This event is the output of the Event Organizer course taught by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, M.Sc. With a series of activities consisting of nodding and mass Zumba, a 5-kilometer marathon and a coloring party. Participants in the 5 kilometer marathon came from several regions, namely, Klaten, Kebumen, Purworejo, Solo, Magelang, Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul, Semarang and Kulon Progo. Seeing from several marathon runners who came from outside the city, Kulon Progo Color Fun attracted the enthusiasm of the community to participate in this.
The activity was attended by the Regent of Kulon Progo who also held the start flag during the release of the 5-kilometer marathon. The event was also attended by the Deputy Regent of Kulon Progo Drs. H. Sutedjo, Secretary of the AIDS Commission of Kulon Progo Regency, drg. Th. Baning Rahyujati, M.Kes., Assistant for Government and People's Welfare, Jumanto, S.H. and Head of Pora Rusdi Suwarno, S.IP., M.M. Besides being attended by government officials from Kulon Progo Regency, this event was also attended by the DIY HIV AIDS Ambassador Fachri Muzaki (men's HIV AIDS Ambassador) and Dayana Pangestu FI (women's HIV AIDS Ambassadors).
Kurniawati as the head of the committee explained that the marathon runner consisted of 105 people, while the participants for zumba and mass nodding were around 250 people. The men's marathon race was won by Risqi Dwi Kurniawan from Magelang with a travel time of 15:45 minutes (1st place), and Febri Putra Pratama from Purworejo with a travel time of 15:46 minutes (2nd place). Meanwhile, for the women's category the marathon race was won by Khoirun Nikmah from Purworejo with a travel time of 21 minutes (1st place) and Elmi Rahmiayati from Magelang with a travel time of 21:46 minutes (2nd place).
Through this activity, it is hoped that the people of Kulon Progo can have a healthy lifestyle and establish healthy relationships. The DIY HIV AIDS Ambassador also invited the people who were present to “Stay away from the disease, not the person” said Fachri. He said that people with HIV/AIDS are a special group, they do not need to be shunned and experience mental judgment by the surrounding community. (jun/cs)
Opening ceremony oleh bupati Kulon Progo
Peserta Zumba Party
Para pemenang lomba lari
Pemenang Hadiah Utama Doorprize
Event Organizer "Roro Production"
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