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Wong Jogja's Special Snack Festival and Traditional Game Competition at UNY's Wates Campus

D3 Secretariat batch 2015 held the Jogja Special Snack Festival with the theme "Jagongane Snacks Jogja". This activity aims to introduce typical snacks from 4 districts and 1 city consisting of Gunung Kidul, Bantul, Sleman, Kulon Progo, and Yogyakarta. The special snacks festival, wong jogja and traditional game competitions were held at the UNY Hall, Wates Campus, Wednesday (13/12).
This activity was attended by UNY lecturers, employees, students, and the general public. “Jogja snacks do have a unique name and special taste. From Gunung Kidul (Gaplek), Bantul (Geplak), Sleman (Gethuk), Kulon Progo (Geblek), and Jogja (Gudeg)," said the owner of the Kulon Progo Regency UMKM. This activity received a good appreciation from Muslikhah Dwi Hartanti, M. Pd as a lecturer in Office Administration Education. “This activity is very good. The committee was able to organize this activity well in the midst of busy lectures. This activity can be realized properly because of the guidance and direction of Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B, M.Si as a lecturer in the Event Organizer course. Hopefully this activity can provide an example for the younger generation of Secretariat study programs in 2016 and 2017,” he explained.
In addition to the hawker festival, there are also traditional game competitions, traditional dances, standup comedy, and band performances. Traditional game competitions consist of Gobak Sodor, Gatrik, Gasingan, Stilts, and Sack Race. Participants were very enthusiastic to take part in the competition, one of which was Irfan Heri Setiawan of the 2015 PGSD Penjas study program who won 1st place in the sack race. “In my opinion, traditional games should be preserved because games like this are rarely played. Thank you to the committee for organizing this activity,” he explained. (Ellysia/Cs)
The traditional game of stilts is contested in this event
Peserta lomba permainan tradisional gasing antusias mengikuti perlombaan
The Committee for the Special Snacks Festival EO Wong Jogja took a photo with the EO course lecturer, Chusnu Syarifa D K
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