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D3 Secretarial Student Holds Canting Night Event "PESONA BATIK NUSANTARA"

Students of the 2016 Secretariat D3 Study Program, Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, Wates Campus held an Event Organizer activity to fulfill the Event Organizer Course Final Project with the lecturer Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, Saturday 17 November 2018 at Wates Square, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region. This activity carries the theme of Canting Malam "The Enchantment of Batik Nusantara". The focus of this activity is to commemorate National Batik Day which falls on October 2, 2018. In this activity there are several program programs, namely the Batik Crafts SMEs Bazaar, General Bazaar, Fashion Show Competition of Batik Clothing Design for SMA/SMK in DIY, Fashion Show Dimas Diajeng Kulon Progo, Sosonderan Dance and FE Dance from students of the Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University and Mini Concert from local Kulon Progo bands, namely, Lsista, Just One Day, Bronist Reggae, and Pocary Sunset.
This activity takes place at 09:00-23:00 WIB and has taken place in the morning with the Open Stand Bazaar for SMEs, Batik Craftsmen, and the General Bazaar. The people of Kulon Progo were very enthusiastic and participated in this activity as seen from the visitors who came to the Batik Crafts SMEs Bazaar Stand and the General Bazaar.
This activity also invited invited guests from the Tourism Office, Mr. Muh Rio Nisafa, S.IP, the MSME Service, Mrs. Suzana Budiarti S.Sos, and the Culture Office, Mr. Joko Mursito S.Sn, MA. The opening of the Canting Malam activity was opened by Dance FE UNY and the event was officially opened by the Head of the Trade Service Drs Krissutanto who represented the Regent of Kulon Progo he said, the recognition of batik by UNESCO is an international recognition of Indonesian culture because batik is a world heritage and must be passed on to posterity by wearing batik in everyday life.
The next event of this activity is the Fashion Show Competition of Batik Clothing Design for SMA/SMK levels throughout DIY and the Dimas Diajeng Kulon Progo Fashion Show. Participants after participants of the competition took the stage and waddled to appear on the stage wearing Batik Clothing Designs that had been designed by the participants. No less lively Dimas Diajeng Kulon Progo also waddled on stage.
The Fashion Show Competition for Batik Clothing Design for SMA/SMK in DIY was won by 1st place (Designer and Modeling) and Favorite Place (modeling) by SMK 1 Pandak, 2nd place (Designer and Modeling) was won by MAN 2 Kulon Progo. Each winner of the competition received an award in the form of trophies, certificates and coaching money.
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