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HIMA Office Administration Education FE UNY successfully held LKAP 2020 activities throughout Java Online

The Office Administration Education Student Association (HIMA PADP) Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (FE UNY) successfully held the 2020 Office Administration Competency Competition (LKAP) on Saturday and Sunday, 18-19 July 2020. The LKAP is intended for all Vocational High School students ( SMK) majoring in Office Automation and Governance (OTKP) throughout Java. This year's LKAP is different from previous years, it is carried out online due to the impact of Covid-19. LKAP was successfully followed by 32 participants from 16 vocational schools in Java. LKAP participants are participants who have passed the essay writing selection with the theme "Challenges of Office Administration in Modernization in the Era of Technological Disruption".
“The purpose of holding the LKAP activity is to find out the achievements and potential of students. In addition, it aims to produce candidates for office administration staff who are reliable and professional so that they are able to face the challenges of technological disruption," said Elsa as chairman of the committee. The winners and winners of the Office Administration Competency Competition are as follows: Heni Setiyaningsih from SMK Muh Karangmojo as First Winner
Alfina from SMK Negeri 1 Cilacap won the second place.
Evi Puspitasari from SMK Negeri 2 Magelang as the third winner.
Adillah Cahya Palupi from SMK Negeri 1 Yogyakarta as the 1st Champion of Hope. Fattah Rieza Priyanto from SMK Negeri 2 Pacitan as the second runner-up. Dwi Astuti from SMK Negeri 1 Kebumen as Champion III. Congratulations to the SMK participants who have won. Hopefully the achievements can improve the experience and motivate other students to become active students.
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