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Again, Teguh Wicaksono won the speech contest achievement

(21/9/), Student of Administrative Education Department of Faculty of Economics, UNY, on behalf of Teguh Wicaksono again made achievements at the national level by becoming 3rd Place in the National English Speech Contest for Varsity in the series of Language and Cultural Festivals, State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. the 9th achievement for Teguh Wicaksono in the field of Public Speaking competition. On 19-21 September 2019 the Foreign Language Development Study Student Organization (SPBA) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta held the 2019 Language and Culture Festival event entitled A Million Languages, A Million Cultures, in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, this activity is held regularly every two years by UKM SPBA UIN SUKA. The purpose of holding this activity is to develop students' creativity and ability to organize events that can preserve the language and culture of the archipelago so that they can still exist in the current era of globalization. This event was packaged very nicely with various kinds of cultural events that were very interesting and lively, such as the cultural parade of the archipelago, the cultural stand of the archipelago and cultural performances from representatives of students from all over Indonesia studying in Yogyakarta.
Besides aiming to introduce or promote the culture of each region, this event was also enlivened with a very educational event by holding several language dexterity competitions for students, students and the general public with the aim of honing and testing the participants' communication skills using various international languages. such as French, Arabic and English. The French competition is intended for students and the general public, the Arabic competition is for students and students, while the English competition is for students and college students as well. Each language branch is also divided into several kinds of competitions that hone communication skills, for French there are two competitions namely Franciase Story Telling and French Poetry Musicalization, for the Arabic competition it is divided into Arabic Essay Competition, Arabic Debate, Arabic Speech, and Arabic Poetry, meanwhile for the English competition there are several competitions, namely English Debate, English Essay, English speech, and English Story Telling. The competition started from 19-21 September starting with the opening of the 2019 Language and Culture Festival at the Convention Hall of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta with a series of very interesting presentations which were participated by the contest participants and the 2019 FBB committee and the Nusantara Cultural Parade, at the end of the series of events. FBB 2019 held various kinds of Nusantara Cultural Performances from student representatives from all over Indonesia in Yogyakarta and on the peak night of the 2019 FBB event an Awarding Night was held for the winners of the competition and on that occasion the proud student of the Department of Administrative Education FE UNY won 3rd place in the National English Speech Contest for Varsity, the Speech Contest was divided into two rounds, namely the preliminary round with the Prepared Speech technique and the final round with the Impromptu Speech technique which was attended by 34 very talented students from all over Indonesia. For the 1st place winner of the National English Speech Contest, a student from Brawijaya University, Malang, on behalf of Debora Keren Hapukh Sitompul, and the 2nd place winner of the National English Speech Contest were obtained by a student from Sebelas Maret University (UNS) on behalf of Maryam Yasmin. The following is Teguh Wicaksono's statement:
“Alhamdulillah, I thank God for giving me the 13th opportunity to take part in the Speech Contest and this is my ninth degree in my career following the Speech Contest after two failed attempts at UIN Walisongo Semarang and Al-Azhar University Indonesia Jakarta and this is a form of revenge for my defeat yesterday and motivates me to always improve my public speaking skills, winning and losing is a valuable lesson for our lives in order to understand the meaning of the word never give up. In my opinion, in the future, the skills that are most needed by the community besides the ability in technology and science, of course, are public speaking skills, for me as an old student is not an obstacle to keep achieving for better self-development and this I do to help motivate all younger siblings – my younger brother in order to be able to make achievements like me for the sake of developing better self-quality in the future and when competing, never feel inferior and afraid to compete, motivate yourself and beat yourself to achieve achievements”. (tw/cs)
Teguh Wicaksono Pend. ADP FE UNY bersama Top 10 contestants
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