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Saturday (18/9) The Office Day 2021 event on Saturday, September 18, 2021 online. Office Day 2021 has the theme "Improving the Existence of Young Administrators with Collaboration and Synergy in Administration to Face the Era of Disruption in a Pandemic" as a new spirit to be competent in the era of pandemic disruption. This activity was attended by 78 participants from several major universities in Indonesia such as UNY, UNS, UPI, Muhamadiyah Polytechnic Magelang, UPN Veterans Jakarta, and UIN Khas Achmad Siddiq Jember. This year, Office Day held several competitions, including Indonesian Public Speaking Competition, English Presentation Technique, Data Processing, PPT Design, and CV (Curiculum Vitae) Design. Office Day itself is one of the annual events organized by the Office Administration Education Student Association, FE, UNY with the aim of providing a forum for Administration students and the general public throughout Indonesia to develop all their potential and show their existence by collaborating and synergizing together to compete in this era. disruption and society 5.0.
The winners from the Department of Administrative Education include:
A. Indonesian Public Speaking Competition Branch
1. Heni Setiyaningsih - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta as 1st winner
2. Afiq Haqqani - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta as 4th winner
3. Ekasari Indriani - Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta as 5th winner
B. CV Design Competition Branch
1. Muhammad Haidar Rafi Saifullah - Univeristas Negeri Yogyakarta as 5th winner
2. Isna Nur Afifah - Univeristas Negeri Yogyakarta as 6th winner
C. Data Processing Competition Branch
1. Shafira Novi Maharani - Universitas Negeri Yogkarta as 3rd winner
2. Kinanti Luthfi Lestari - Universitas Negeri Yogkarta as 4th winner
3. Santi Mustikasari - Universitas Negeri Yogkarta as 6th winner
D. Branch PPT Design Competition
1. Christina Rika Pratiwi - Universitas Negeri Yogkarta as 2nd winner
2. Ayu Nabilla Lilyprasetya - Universitas Negeri Yogkarta as 5th winner
E. English Presentation Technique Competition Branch
1. Muhammad Kemal Harahap - Universitas Negeri Yogkarta as 2nd winner
“Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is the most important thing.” – Arnold Palmer. (cs)
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