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HIMA PADP FE UNY Holds an Online Day of Familiarity

The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has made several work programs at the Office Administration Education Student Association (PADP) Faculty of Economics (FE) Yogyakarta State University (UNY) run online. Through the Student Resource Development (SRD) department, the SIKRAB event was held. SIKRAB is an afternoon of intimacy, which is a substitute for the Basic Leadership Training (LDK) event which is usually held face-to-face every year. The event, which was held on October 11, aims to familiarize each other and strengthen the family ties of new PADP 2020 students.
SIKRAB carries the theme "Awakening the Soul of Sociopreneur Administrators in Contributing to the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0". The event started with a prayer reading and continued remarks, from Mr. Kalvin Deni Armanda as the Chairman of the Committee, from Mrs. Dr. Rosidah, M.Si. as the Head of the Department of Administrative Education, and from Mr. Sutirman, M.Pd. as Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Alumni. Entering the main event, Mr. Suhartanto S.Sos., M.A. with the material "Emotional Intelligence for Leadership in the Revolutionary Era 4.0".
The event continued with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with three motions, namely (i) the government held a democratic party in the midst of a pandemic, (ii) activity in the organization had a negative impact on academic achievement, (iii) recession and pandemics wiped out Indonesia's economic progress in the future. The FGD guided by the moderator Lathu was divided into three sessions, in each session there were two groups of pros and cons. New students argued with each other and exchanged opinions until the closing statement to cool the two groups.
After thinking long, new students are invited to relax in a fun games session. Fun games are divided into two sessions, guess a photo of a new student friend on WhatApp and guess the picture via zoom. The event continued to show tiktok videos from each group of new students. At the end of the event, the best presentation, fun games and best video tiktok were read. The end of the event was closed with a virtual photo shoot session guided by the committee [Soehar].
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