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Michel, Dewi and Widya, Students of the D3 FE Secretarial Study Program, UNY Win Awards in the World Secretary's Day Competition

Saturday (6/5) Asmi Santa Maria Yogyakarta held a competition in the context of World Secretary Day. The implementation of the activity took place at the ASMI Santa Maria Auditorium, Yogyakarta. The theme for this world secretary day commemoration is "The Inspiring Secretary". Participants who took part in this event consisted of students from the Office Administration / Secretary study program and also students from SMK. The event was opened with a seminar with speakers from the secretarial staff of the UGM Quality Management Unit, Hilaria Lestari Budiningsih, SIP, M.M. Then the event continued with the holding of competitions consisting of presentation competitions in English, fashion show competitions, pair make-up competitions and supporter creativity competitions. In the English presentation competition, Michel Ike Permatasari won 2nd place, while Dewi Cahya Ningrum and Widya Dwi Indriastuti won 1st place in the Make Up Competition in pairs. All three are D3 Secretarial students batch 2015.
“I am very happy to have been given the opportunity to join the English presentation competition organized by ASMI Santa Maria. Besides being able to develop abilities in the field of office administration, it can also be a benchmark for students' competency levels in the future," said Michel. “It never occurred to us that we would win first place. Considering our competitors are all great too. We are proud to be able to contribute an achievement to our beloved UNY alma mater, especially the Secretariat study program and we hope that our victory can be the next motivation for all of us to further improve our quality and achievements in the office sector,” continued Widya. “The success of winning the competition at ASMI Santa Maria yesterday was quite proud in my opinion, this is my first competition at university and Alhamdullilah I can win. In the future, I hope that there will be a similar competition for the office administration study program. Hopefully later there will be many achievements that can be achieved in the Secretary D3 study program”. Goddess added
According to the Head of D3 Study Program, Secretary of FE UNY, Rosidah, M.Si "This achievement is very good to provide motivation for other students to be more enthusiastic in improving soft skills other than hard skills which of course have been obtained in college". “This activity really helps increase the talents and interests of students, so that students have experience to develop their soft skills. In the future, we hope that we can organize similar activities ourselves.” said Ekwina, one of the competition participants from the 2015 FE UNY secretarial D3 (chusnu)
Delegasi Peserta Kompetisi Hari Sekretaris Dunia D3 Sekretari FE UNY Angkatan 2015
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