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UNY Students Care for Society through Youth PIK

Yogyakarta, July 1 2018. Two students of the 2014 UNY Office Administration Education study program Tri Andriyati and Desy Wulandari won 1st and 3rd place in the 2018 DIY GenRe Ambassadors for the Women's Community Path which was held at the Ramayana Ballet Purawisata. The DIY GenRe Ambassador is divided into 2 pathways, namely the Educational Path where participants are representatives of PIK-Teenagers who are in School and University Institutions and the Community Path where participants come from representatives of PIK-Teenagers in the community. PIK REMAJA stands for Center for Information and Counseling for Youth. The existence and role of PIK Adolescents is very important in helping young people get correct information and adequate and correct counseling services about TRIAD KRR. As for what is meant by TRIAD KRR, namely avoiding early marriage, free sex, and drugs.
GenRe means Generation Planning, youth are formed to plan future lives in raising a family. The DIY GenRe Ambassador Selection Event has become an annual event held by the DIY BKKBN. The selection process for GenRe DIY Ambassadors went through several stages, namely in the first stage making a profile book of each Youth PIK along with other administrative completeness, and a short video explaining their work in the community. Then after going through this stage, several finalists were selected who would advance to the next stage. In the second stage, the finalists went through a talent show and performance presentation at PIK-Remaja which was witnessed by all the finalists and the jury. Furthermore, in the third stage, all finalists carried out community service in every KB village located in the Yogyakarta City area, namely "Bakti GenRe". Each group is free to determine what the agenda will be given by the village. The last stage in the selection of the GenRe DIY Ambassador is the grand final event. (TA/cs)
Salam GenRe
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