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Yogyakarta, Sunday (9/9), students of the Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University, again won the 2018 Indonesian Office Science Festival (GIPSI) competition organized by Yogyakarta State University (UNY). This year, UNY hosted the GIPSI event and managed to become the overall champion again in the competition. Last year the GIPSI competition was held at UI, and UNY managed to get the overall winner
Several universities that participated in the 2018 GIPSI activities include the University of Indonesia (UI), Indonesian Education University (UPI), Semarang State University (UNNES), Sebelas Maret University (UNS), UNY, Surabaya State University (UNESA), and ASMI Santa Maria Yogyakarta. . “Alhamdulillah, my team and I are grateful to have won the office simulation competition. Happy and proud because UNY can become the champion again and can be proud of the name of the study program and prove that the students of Office Administration Education (P.ADP) are outstanding. Hopefully, in the future there will be more participants in the office simulation competition. I hope that next year this activity will still be carried out because the competition is good and there will be more competition innovations so that the enthusiasts will increase and I still hope that UNY can become a champion again and continue to participate.” said Chery Kurnia Faradilla, the team representative from the Office Simulation competition who won.
“I am very happy and thank all the GIPSI organizers because this is the first time for me to participate so that it adds new experience and knowledge for me. Hopefully next year it will be held again because apart from being a competition, it can also be used as a forum for friendship from various universities.” Said Siswi Widiasih, the 2nd winner of the Microsoft Excel competition added. The day before the competition, a national seminar was also held at the Digital Library Floor 4 UNY with the theme Technopreneurship Prospects in Facing Demographic Bonuses. This national seminar was used as the opening of a series of GIPSI events and a welcome from representatives of participants who took part in GIPSI. The speakers were Patrick Hoyoux, the Belgian President Director of PT Sydeco, Agung Dwi Hartanto, the Coordinator of Tirto Id Yogyakarta, Nova Suparmantom, S.Pd., M.Sc from a technopreneurship consultant, and Rizky Tris W, a motivator from IYC Creativepreneur. The atmosphere of the national seminar is on an international level due to the presence of speakers from outside Indonesia, namely Patrick Hoyoux.
The 2018 GIPSI competition event closed with musical entertainment and the announcement of the winners of the national competition from all fields of competition. The results obtained from all national competitions are: Indonesian grooming and public speaking champion
1. Yohana - UNY
2. Muh. Raiz - UNY
3. Laely - UNDIP
Typing Champion
1. Odilia - UNY
2. Apristya - UI
3. Aldrian - UPI
English correspondence champion
1. Dheaz paramita-UNS
2. Ayudina - UNY
3. Nisa - UNY
English public speaking champion
1. Fedora - UI
2. Yeni-UNY
3. Ayudina-UNY
Microsoft Excel Champion
1. Dina F-UNY
2. Siswi-UNY
3. Bekti-UNY
Creative resume champion
1. Anggi - UNY
2. Nabila-UNY
3. Andrian-UNY
Creative Power Point Champion
1. Muh. Sani - UNY
2. Andrian-UNY
3. Lindha-UNY
Office simulation champion
1. PT Kagu- S1 UNY
2. Cv nusantara - D3 UNY
3. PT Idealistationary - D3 UNY
Thus, UNY managed to maintain its position as the overall champion with 17 medals. Meanwhile, UI won 2 medals, while UNDIP, UPI, and UNS each got 1 medal. For the success of the 2018 GIPSI event, the organizing committee would like to thank the university for supporting and participating in a series of GIPSI events. “We apologize if there are still shortcomings in running the event. We still hope that next year's GIPSI will still be held and be better than this year and that more and more students will be enthusiastic about competing for achievements in the competition." Said Yahya as head of HIMA Office Administration Education
The supervisor in this competition is Rr. Chusnu Syarifa D.K., M.Si. (Public speaking and correspondence), Wahyu Rusdiyanto, M. M. (Typing, Powerpoint, Resume), Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M. Pd. (Microsoft Excel), Yuliansah, M.Pd. (Office Simulation). (Ia/Cs)
The participants of the GIPSI competition take a group photo after the announcement of the results of the competition
National Seminar participants take a photo with the speaker
Penyerahan Kenangan untuk pembicara dalam Semnas
Handing over of the General Champion of the 2018 GIPSI Competition to the representatives of UNY
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