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Pavart Organizer from D3 ADP FE UNY Held GEBTARA Dance Competition (Gebyar Tari Nusantara)
Tuesday (26/11). Pavart Organizer consisting of 2017 Office Administration D3 Study Program students held a GEBTARA dance competition (Gebyar Tari Nusantara) aimed at junior high, high school, vocational students, students and dance studios in Indonesia. This event is the result of practice from the Event Organizer (EO) course taught by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M. Si.
This activity carries the theme "Growing a Cultured Millennial Generation" which was held at the Performance Hall of the Faculty of Language and Arts, UNY. This activity was attended by 28 groups from 17 cities in Indonesia consisting of Yogyakarta, Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo, Bandung, Banyuwangi, Cilacap, Kediri, Klaten, Magelang, Lumajang, Medan, Pacitan, Ponorogo, Purwakarta, Surabaya, and Wonogiri.
The form of this activity is a dance competition created by the archipelago which is participated by students, students and dance studios throughout Indonesia in the morning. And at night the peak night is held to announce the winners of the competition and entertainment, activities start at 09.00 - 22.00 WIB. The winners of this dance competition are the 1st place winner in the Heru Cakra group from SMP N 1 Bantul, the 2nd place winner in the Djayeng group from the SMP N 1 Sanden, the 3rd place winner in the Kusuma Wengker group from the SMA N 3 Ponorogo, the 1st winner in the Sergap group from the Puspatika Studio Purwakarta, and the hope of the 2 groups SMANSARI from SMA N 1 Wonogiri and a favorite presenter for the Solah Dance group from Bantul. And the last event is entertainment which is filled by SICMA Band and Take Me Back Band.
"The purpose of holding this activity is to invite the millennial generation to recognize and preserve culture in Indonesia, especially the art of Indonesian dance. As well as creating a young generation that has a sense of nationalism in the modern and sophisticated era like today, where many western cultures have entered Indonesia. "said Retno, as chairman of the committee. (Cs)
welcome from the Dean of FE UNY Bp. Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd
Winners get trophies, certificates, and coaching money and insurance from Bhineka Life insurance
Pavart EO
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