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D3 Secretariat UNY 2015 held a blood donation event to welcome the 53rd National Health Day which fell on November 12, 2017. In addition to blood donation, the D3 Secretariat of UNY also held a series of events to select healthy children at UNY Wates Campus 2017. the selection of healthy children was carried out at the UNY hall of the Wates Campus, Tuesday (7/11) in collaboration with PMI Kulonprogo.
In this activity organized by the Secretary of D3 student at least more than 70 registrants who want to donate their blood. The participants consisted of students, employees, and the community in the Wates campus environment. "Most of the participants who enrolled on average passed, and a small percentage did not pass because their blood pressure and hemoglobin did not meet the requirements." Obviously, PMI Officer.
Mega Ulfa Baity, the head of the committee for blood donation and the selection of healthy children, said that the blood donation and selection of healthy children was held by the 2015 D3 Secretary. Apart from celebrating the 53rd National Health Day, it was also to fulfill course assignments Event Organizer which is supervised by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., M.Sc.
“The blood donation activity is a form of UNY Wates Campus's concern for the blood stock at PMI Kulonprogo. In addition, we held a selection of healthy children at UNY Wates Campus which is expected to increase awareness for healthy living among UNY Wates Campus students and as a talent search event." he said. This blood donation action received positive appreciation from the general public. One of them is Yessinta Ayu, a Sedayu High School student who is donating blood for the first time. He admitted that at first he was afraid, but after his blood was taken he felt normal.
"Hopefully the blood can be useful for people in need and hopefully next time we can take part in blood donation actions again." I hope.
Not only blood donors, D3 Secretariat also held a selection of healthy children at UNY Wates Campus 2017. There were 3 stages of selection, namely fitness tests, health tests, and fashion shows. Healthy male and female participants are students of the Faculty of Economics, UNY Campus Wates 2016 and 2017. In the fitness test, 10 participants were set aside (5 boys and 5 girls) to advance to the final round on November 7, 2017. In the final round they took a medical test assisted by by PMI and Fashion Show officers. Then the last stage was to set aside 3 sons and 3 daughters to enter a question and answer session which was immediately assessed by the three judges, namely Muhammad Tri Santoso, Michelle I.P as the representative of the committee and Diajeng Kulonprogo 2017. The winner was announced at 16.00 WIB. Havid Aji Persada D3 Marketing Management 2016 as the 1st winner for healthy men and Hinin Alizya Haznah D3 Secretary in 2017 as 1st place for healthy women.
“My impression while participating in the selection of healthy men and women from the beginning to the end was very impressive, it turned out that there were so many benefits and experiences that I felt from the fitness test, until getting into the top 5 finalists was an honor, especially since I was given the opportunity to become the 1st Winner of Healthy Women at UNY Wates Campus 2017. And my message is that this 2017 UNY Wates Campus Blood Donation and Election of Boys and Girls can continue to be held every year and be even better.” Hinin said. (Mg/Cs)
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