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The 2018 Archives National Scientific Essay Competition which was held recently by the Indonesian Archives Student Association (HMKI) resulted in the second winner from Yogyakarta State University on behalf of Marini, a 2015 student of the Office Administration Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics.
"Indonesian Archives in the Disruptive Era" was the theme raised in the competition with Fitriana Huda Erfani from the Education Office of Sleman Regency as the first winner, followed by Marini from Yogyakarta State University (2nd place), Aida Safitri from the University of Indonesia (3rd place), Dian Herbayu from Brawijaya University (1st Winner), Nadia Putri J. from the University of Indonesia (2nd Winner), and Khoiru Aji P. and Nala Sekarini from the Land and Spatial Planning Service of Sleman Regency (3rd Winner). Participants who are required are general (minimum 17 years old and maximum 35 years old) from all over Indonesia.
From the big themes above, participants can choose one of the five sub-themes provided, namely Education in the Archives Sector, Improving the Quality and Welfare of Archives, Strategic Policies in the Archives Sector, Increasing Archives Awareness Efforts for the Community, and Innovation for the Nation's Children in the Archives Sector. The timeline of the competition coincides with the implementation of the Special Semester Real Work Lecture (KKN) of UNY with the announcement of the winner on September 7, 2018.
“Alhamdulillah, I can feel the pleasure of serving while participating in competitions with practitioners from practitioners. Thank you KKN Gedebeg Blora Central Java and all those who have helped,” said Marini. The third ranked Student with Achievement (Mawapres) FE UNY in 2018 also hopes to continue to excel and soon hold a bachelor's degree in education from the three tower campus.(mr/cs)
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