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Yogyakarta, (29/5) After more than a year Indonesia has been affected by Covid-19, almost all activities must be carried out virtually through various platforms. One of the sectors affected is the Indonesian entertainment sector. Through virtual activities, still in an atmosphere of adaptation to the new normal, Arsa Event Organizer held a competition that was entertaining for the public, namely the National Stand Up Competition.
The National Stand Up Comedy Competition is a stand up comedy competition held virtually. The hope is that through this activity it can foster a competitive spirit while providing entertainment to the entire community without having to meet each other so as to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This activity is open to the general public throughout the archipelago with a minimum age of 15 years. In this first event, Arsa raised a big theme, namely "Let's Laugh at Home". Please note that Arsa Event Organizer was formed from the Event Management course under the guidance of Mrs. Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, S.A.B., Msi.
The competition consists of two rounds, namely the preliminary round and the final round. In the preliminary round, there were applicants from Banten, East Java, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and West Java. The theme raised in the preliminary round activities was "The Variety of Indonesian Habits".
Registration and video submissions will be held on April 1-30 2021, while the judging process will be held for 10 days on May 1-10 2021. The announcement of the preliminary round will be made via Instagram on May 10, 2021. After the preliminary round was completed, participants held a technical meeting and the draw for serial numbers appeared on May 29, 2021. The final round was held on May 29 and was attended by 6 finalists from 3 provinces, namely, Yogykarta, East Java, and West Java. In contrast to the preliminary round, the final round was held live virtual via the zoom meeting platform and broadcast live on FE UNY's Youtube. At this peak event accompanied by MC Putri Desti Anawati and three judges, namely Coki Anwar Finalist Suca 2 Indosiar and SUCI 7 Kompas TV, Mr. Muhammad Rasyid Ridlo, a lecturer in Indonesian from the Faculty of Languages and Arts, UNY, and Ms. Jordie Beally Korua from the Stand Community. Up Yogyakarta. This final activity raised the theme "About the Covid-19 Pandemic".
Before the finalists appeared, there was a special performance from Coki Anwar for approximately 10 minutes. After Coki gave an appearance, then the 6 finalists were invited to perform live according to the serial number draw. Each participant has the opportunity to perform with a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 6 minutes which will then receive comments from the judges. After all the finalists appear, the jury then calculates the score to determine who will be the winner. 1st place winner will get a prize of IDR 1,000,000, 2nd place will get a prize of IDR 750,000 and 3rd place will get a prize of IDR 500,000. All participants in both the preliminary and final rounds will receive an E-Certificate as a form of appreciation.
At the end of the final round, Arsa Event Organizer announced the winner of the Stand Up Comedy. 1st place was won by Bryan Zalig Suwandi, a participant from Malang, East Java, 2nd place was won by Risalah Adel Amanah from Malang, East Java, 3rd place was won by Muhammad Alifian Wijaya from Kediri. In addition to the 1 2 3 winner, Arsa also gave appreciation to the 1st runner-up Ivan Ardiyanto from Yogyakarta, the 2nd runner up Muhammad Rizaldi Fallah from Tasikmalaya West Java, and the 3rd runner up Dava Ridho Putra Pratama from Yogyakarta. After reading the winners, the Stand Up Comedy Competition was closed with a group photo. This event can be seen on the youtube link (Desi/cs)
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