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New students must establish the purpose of studying in college. do not be swayed by organizations that offer a variety of facilities. UNY has provided several student activity units as a means of doing activities on campus. Students must be careful because there are many issues of radicalism, ideological distortion around campus. Therefore it is necessary to think critically so that it will be avoided. Studying in college is different from high school, the difference is the pattern of education. Universities apply adult education patterns. The teaching and learning interaction is on the students themselves, while the lecturer's function is only as a facilitator. Therefore, students must show responsible maturity. This was stated by the Chancellor of UNY Sutrisna Wibawa in fostering the soft skills of new students on the Independent Selection route group 2 (FT, FIK, and FE) at the Auditorium, Thursday (8/8). Furthermore, the Chancellor said that the lecture system in universities uses a semester credit system. "Unlike high school, which starts at 7 and leaves at 14, in college the lectures depend on the schedule," said Sutrisna Wibawa. This is what distinguishes it from the high school era, therefore new students need to adapt. The Chancellor informed that UNY enthusiasts passed the 41,000 Independent Selection route which was accepted by 2,300 people. The struggle to enter UNY through the independent path is extraordinary, therefore students must study well by using their spare time between lectures or visiting the library.
Expert Staff of Vice Chancellor III Nurtanio Agus Purwanto said that the soft skills development for new students of the Group 2 SM pathway was attended by 1,415 students consisting of 739 FT students, 201 FIK students and 475 FE students. "The coaching material consists of 6 theories and 12 practices involving 387 lecturers and 112 instructors," said Nurtanio. Soft skill activities are also carried out in each faculty unit and are given practical material with speakers from UNY's leadership at the faculty, department and study program levels.
Soft skills development for UNY students is carried out in the learning process and in extra-curricular activities. Soft skills development is needed so that students can have the skills to interact with other people. One form of extra-curricular that can shape students' soft skills is through student organization activities. The material presented in the soft skills development includes time management, student behavior ethics and student character development based on local Indonesian culture.
More detailed material information can be accessed on the following page: Of the 6 waves of soft skills coaching for new students, group 2 from the Independent Selection track recorded the highest number. Participants are dominated by new students in applied undergraduate study programs or diploma IV. UNY is very concerned with the development of applied undergraduates and this year's specialization is very high. With this soft skills development included, applied scholars in 4 years will become Superior, Creative, Innovative, Faithful, Independent, and Scholar (UKI TMC) individuals. (Dedy, Arwan)
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