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Office Administration Diploma Students Become Ambassadors for Reading #6, Literacy in the Midst of a Pandemic

Saturday, May 16, 2020, a Book Dating was held in the context of #Ngabuburead online. Book Dating is one of the activities carried out by Duta Gemari Baca #6 Dompet Dhuafa. This activity was carried out to wait for the time to break the fast or ngabuburit amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, also to share knowledge from a book. Kartika Putri Perwitasari who is a student of the Office Administration Diploma Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University Class of 2018 carried out this activity with her fellow Ambassadors for Reading Love #6. Book Dating is broadcast via personal Instagram accounts @kartikaputrips and @irsyadmsi for one hour from 16.00 to 17.00 WIB. The book discussed is entitled "Dare to be Disliked" which is a book full of motivation in solving life's problems. In addition to discussing and discussing the contents of the book, Kartika also invited the entire audience to read the book. For him, reading books is important. Any book can be useful for us. This Book Dating received a positive response. This can be seen from the audience who witnessed it. The audience also appreciated by giving their opinion that this activity was inspiring.
As an Ambassador for Reading, of course, it is Kartika's duty to invite everyone to promote a literacy culture. One of them is through this Book Dating. Previously, he had also conducted literacy campaigns. Kartika and his colleagues held a free reading stall which was held at the 0 Km point of Yogyakarta City. During the reading stalls, visitors to the city center are free to read the existing books. The books available are varied and can be enjoyed by all ages. In addition, he also created a literacy movement with his community. This literacy movement is intended to introduce literacy to the community, especially children. These activities are held from one location to another in collaboration with local administrators. In this movement, Kartika and her colleagues introduced various kinds of literacy such as storytelling that was packaged in a fun way for children. According to Kartika, this children's literacy movement can be a place for creativity in building fun literacy. Activities like this are expected to continue to exist, inspire, and become a means of direct and online literacy to create a literacy that is not just a narrative but an action.
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