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Pandemic Doesn't Break Social Concerns, HIMA PADP Successfully Organizes Community Service in 2021

Yogyakarta, June 9, 2021 - As an embodiment of concern for others, the Office Administration Education Student Association (HIMA PADP) Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (FE UNY) successfully held Community Service activities on Sunday, June 6, 2021. Community Service is one of the work program from the Department of Advocacy and Public Service (APS). In contrast to previous years, where service activities were always carried out in orphanages, this time HIMA PADP took the initiative to try new things by holding these activities in a village. On this occasion, HIMA PADP chose Padukuhan Pundak Tegal, Kembang Village, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo as the location for the service activities. Because it is still in a pandemic situation, HIMA PADP organizes activities while still implementing health protocols and receiving assistance from local village Covid-19 Volunteers. We organize Community Service activities with the theme "The Role of Student Guardians in Online Learning to Improve Children's Achievement". The goal is to provide insight and awareness that parents also have an important role in the success of their children's online learning.
In addition, this activity also aims to increase the awareness of students of the Office Administration Education Study Program in sharing with others as well as creating togetherness and friendship with the residents of the Hamlet of Pundak Tegal, Kembang, Nanggulan, Kulon Progo. The implementation of Community Service is carried out with two kinds of activities, namely Seminars attended by the student's mother/guardian and Teaching Volunteers for children at the elementary level. The seminar was chaired by Ms. Siti Umi Khayatun Mardiyah, S.Pd., M.Pd., a lecturer in the Department of Administrative Education, while Volunteer Teaching by Students of the Office Administration Education Study Program. To enliven the event, HIMA PADP provided door prizes for lucky participants at the seminar. Meanwhile, in Volunteer Teaching activities, we also invite elementary school children to watch educational cartoons so that it can be a fun learning activity.
We hope that with this activity students of the Office Administration Education Study Program can increase social awareness, and the residents of Padukuhan Pundak Tegal can benefit from the activities we have organized. Hopefully the pandemic will pass soon so that HIMA PADP can hold activities like this with a wider reach and lively events.
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