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Study Tour is an Event to Introduce Higher Education to Students
A number of schools have flocked to the Faculty of Economics in recent times. As the youngest faculty, FE UNY attracts a lot of students' interest because of the Bachelor's Degree Management and Accounting Study programs which are indeed the prima donnas to step into the world of work. In addition, other study programs are no less attractive. Several schools visited the Office Administration Education study program and tried out practical activities in their own lab.
A total of forty students and four accompanying teachers of SMA IT Ummul Quro Bogor visited the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY last Tuesday (4/12). The group led by the Principal Ari Ariansyah, M.Pd was received directly by the Dean of FE UNY, Dr. Sugiharsono. This visit is a means of introducing students to the world of higher education. As said by Ari, this is the first time the students have visited UNY.
“They can see for themselves the greatness of the UNY campus. They will consider, before deciding where to knit their hopes of continuing their studies. Education will be very important for the future,” said Ari.
Two days later, SMK N 1 Kawali Ciamis practiced in a laboratory belonging to the Department of Office Administration Education. A total of 70 students and 9 teachers received material about electronic filing and office simulations. Principal Drs. Oman Suratman said the students were invited to get to know the campus directly. "We brought them here so that their theoretical knowledge can be harmonized with practice in the real world," said Oman
A few days later, Majalengka Nation Struggle Vocational School and PB Sudirman 2 Islamic High School Bekasi visited the large campus. Deputy Principal of the Majalengka Nation Struggle Vocational School Kusliah S.Pd. revealed that the students were very motivated to visit UNY. “This is our first visit to Central Java and Yogyakarta. Hopefully the students will be more enthusiastic. Pay attention to any information submitted by the campus. Don't let this visit only get you tired, but take the benefits for the future," explained Kusliah.
This statement was echoed by the Principal of PB Sudirman 2 Islamic High School Bekasi, Ade Heriyadi, M.Pd.. “Usually, students walk from the school gates not long to reach their respective classes. But at university there is still a long way to go. Hopefully the academic supplies they get at school can take them to college," added Ade. (fadhli)
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