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Visit of SMK N 1 Bunga Mayang East OKU to Study Program P. ADP FE UNY

A total of 120 students and teachers from SMK Negeri 1 Bunga Mayang, Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Regency (OKUT) visited the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY, Wednesday (4/11). The group consisted of class XII students in Office Administration, Computer and Network Engineering, and Multimedia. This visit is intended as a means of introducing students to the world of campus, and also sharing useful information between the two parties. This SMK group was led directly by the Principal, Suryadi, S.Pd and several accompanying teachers. FE UNY through the Dean Dr Sugiharsono, M.Si and the Secretary of the Department of Office Administration Education, Purwanto, M.M., M.Pd gave their remarks in the Auditorium FE UNY.
With this visit, students can find out firsthand the atmosphere of the UNY campus, and it is hoped that it will be an additional motivation for them to continue their studies. “We invite students to Yogyakarta so that they can increase their insight, knowledge, and experience. Yogyakarta and UNY are not foreign to us. Quite a lot of teenagers continue their studies in Yogyakarta and especially UNY," said Suryadi.
“Over the past year, FE UNY, especially the Office Administration Education Department, has received frequent visits from schools in the South Sumatra area. We hope that UNY alumni can take part more in this area, and of course in other areas,” said Purwanto.
All students are invited to visit several laboratories in the Pend Department. Adm. Offices, ranging from the Office Simulation Laboratory, to the Digital Archives Laboratory. At the Digital Archives Laboratory, together with the supervisor Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd., students learn firsthand the process of archiving letters digitally.
"With digital archives, a leader can receive, read, then give the disposition of incoming letters, wherever the leader is," explained Arwan.
Meanwhile, in the Office Technology Laboratory room, students are guided by Laboran Isti Kistiananingsih, S.Pd., recognizing various office equipment such as binding machines, laminating machines, cash registers, etc. (fadhli)
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