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MGMP Administrasi Perkantoran Kota Surakarta Tingkatkan Kompetensi, Praktek di Lab P.ADP FE UNYSurakarta City Office Administration MGMP Improve Competence, Practice in P.ADP Lab, FE UNY

More than 50 teachers from the Subject Teacher Conference (MGMP) of Surakarta City Office Administration recently (11/2) visited the Faculty of Economics (FE) UNY. The group was accepted by the lecturers in the Department of Office Administration Education, FE UNY. This visit is a means of improving skills and competencies for teachers. Guided directly by the lecturers, the teachers visited and practiced in laboratories owned by the department.
In the Office Simulation laboratory, Yuliansyah, M.Pd. guide the practice of teachers playing a number of positions in a company. The teachers enthusiastically played the roles of secretary, director, archivist, and receptionist. With it, they will be deeper into various tasks such as filing management, reception, meeting management, or communication by telephone.
Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd., a lecturer in the Computer Applications course, guides teachers in running digital archiving applications in the Computer Laboratory or also known as the Digital Archives Laboratory. Teachers get first-hand experience of how a letter can be processed via computers and the internet, without having to leave the chair. "By utilizing technology, we can maintain order in the administration of letters more effectively and paperless," explained Arwan.
“This comparative study visit will benefit both parties. For teachers, teaching competence will increase. As for universities, this kind of visit will further control the accreditation of institutions and especially study programs,” explained Sutirman, M.Pd. in his speech representing the department. (fadhli)
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