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Scientific Meeting of Lecturers of Administrative Education Department

With the development of an increasingly competitive work climate, lecturers are required to be able to keep up with the times. Lecturers have the responsibility as researchers because in addition to research is one of the obligations in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, lecturers also have the responsibility to enrich the repertoire of knowledge through research. When conducting research, lecturers are required to be able to compile research reports in the form of articles or research journals properly by submitting them to reputable journal portals so that they are widely useful and contribute widely to the repertoire of scientific developments and the industrial world.
Journals are a reference for every lecturer to be able to contribute knowledge in their scientific field. Making a good journal requires supporting capabilities such as understanding the rules of good research methodology, choosing the right journal database portal to using standardized citations. The knowledge of lecturers majoring in Administrative Education is not yet maximal in understanding the procedures for writing articles, journals, scientific works and textbooks and the lack of understanding of the use of research methodologies, to the use of citation techniques.
The scientific meeting of lecturers of the Department of Administrative Education, which was held in two stages, namely Tuesday, September 17, 2020 and Thursday, September 24, 2020, was an effort to improve skills, knowledge, refresh ideas and develop knowledge about research and writing textbooks. The scientific meeting on Tuesday, September 17, 2020 invited Mr. Dr. Ali Muhson., M.Pd who provided training on data processing methods using LISREL. In the second session, in the afternoon continued by Mr. Dr. Sutirman., M.Pd who explained tips on writing textbooks. The scientific meeting activity in the first stage focuses on using the LISREL application for quantitative data processing and tips for writing textbooks.
The second stage of the scientific meeting was held on Thursday, September 24, 2020. The speaker of the first session was Prof. Sukirno., M.Pd who presented material on tips for writing reputable journals. The second session was followed by Mr. Arwan Nur Ramadhan., M.Pd about Mendeley and Turnitin application training. The second stage of this scientific meeting emphasized tips on choosing journal portals with national and international reputation and how to use the Mendeley and Turnitin applications in the journal citation system.These two activities have a positive impact and significantly motivate the lecturers of the Department of Administrative Education to be able to do service in the field of research. It is hoped that in the future, similar activities can be held in stages, routinely and continuously, given the importance of producing quality research and textbooks (Nadsas).
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