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2014 Curriculum Preparation Workshop
The curriculum is a design of course material that has an important position in achieving the goals and missions of the study program. Therefore, its design requires thought and research and then periodic curriculum reviews need to be carried out in order to meet user needs. In improving the curriculum and adapting to user needs, the Office Administration Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University (FE UNY) on Saturday-Sunday (22-23/3) located in the FE UNY courtroom and Pondok Villa Hotel held a Workshop on Study Program Curriculum Preparation Office Administration Education 2014. This activity was attended by 31 people consisting of Lecturers, Professional Associations, Teachers for Office Administration Expertise, Office Administration Subject Teachers' Meetings (MGMP), Event Organizer Practitioners, Office Practitioners and Alumni, said the Chair of the Committee Purwanto , MM, M.Pd.
According to the Head of the Department of Administrative Education FE UNY Joko Kumoro, M.Sc., this workshop aims to formulate study materials to achieve Learning Outcomes both as Productive Teachers of Office Administration Expertise Programs, Office Administration Laboratory Assistants, Office Practitioners and Entrepreneurs "Event Organizer". The ability formulation includes aspects; Knowledge (cognitive), Skills (psychomotor) & Attitude (Affective). In addition, it is also a means for alumni and users to provide input regarding information and learning needs of students of the Office Administration Education Study Program, FE UNY.
Joko continued, Determining the profile of graduates will be the main thing as Productive Teachers of the Office Administration Program at Vocational High Schools (SMK) Business and Management Groups, Office Administration Laboratory Assistants and Office Practitioners. However, it seems that the position as an office administration laboratory assistant is currently quite perspective, hopefully it can be developed in the Business and Management Group Vocational School. Meanwhile, for the formulation of the Office Administration Education Study Program curriculum, we refer to the Indonesian National Competency Qualification (KKNI) based curriculum. (Isti)
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