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Lecturer of the Department of Administrative Education conducts PPM KKN in the village of Tepus Gunung Kidul

Sunday (22/9), Dr. Sutirman and the PPM KKN team consisting of Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma, M.Si and Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd carry out community service at the KKN location, Tepus village, Gunung Kidul. This event took the theme "Youth Empowerment Through Digital Literacy Education". The PPM was carried out twice, the first was on Sunday, September 22, 2019 by providing material on the "ITE Law and Social Media Ethics" delivered by Rr. Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma and continued with the next material presented by Arwan Nur Ramadhan with the title "Utilizing the Internet as a Learning Resource and Communication Media". The second implementation of PPM KKN was held on Sunday, September 29, 2019. At this meeting, material was presented by Yuliansah, M.Pd by providing practical training on "Utilizing the Internet for Business" and "Online Business Assistance". The PPM KKN team also provided assistance with MIFI facilities (wireless routers, better known as internet network dividers) for ongoing assistance from the training results, which were then managed by the Tepus village youth group.
"The problem lately is that young people do not understand the ITE legislation and what are the consequences of using digital technology and its relation to the management of digital information and transactions. Therefore, the PPM KKN LPPM UNY team held training related to digital literacy,” said Dr. Sutirman. The youths from Tepus village seemed enthusiastic about participating in this training, together with the UNY KKN team, they took the training seriously. One of the KKN participants, Yohana said that this training was very suitable and needed for youth in Tepus village considering the village is known for its beautiful coastal tourism area and hoped that with this digital training the Tepus community, especially youths, could use digital technology to promote tourism in the area. Tepus and improve the economy of the local community. (Cs)
Chusnu, pemateri 1
Arwan, pemateri 2
Yuliansah, pemateri 3
Penyerahan MIFI
Pemuda Tepus dalam program PPM KKN UNY
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