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Eighterprise EO PADP 2019 Held Business Plan Video Creative Competition in 2021

Yogyakarta (10/6) – Currently, business competition in Indonesia is increasingly complex, both from micro and macro companies. Therefore, prospective entrepreneurs, especially the millennial generation, really need to make an attractive and mature business plan. From this issue, Eighterprise EO was moved to organize a Business Plan Video Creative Competition in 2021. Eighterprise EO itself was formed from the Event Management course taught by Chusnu Syarifa Diah K, S.A.B., M.Sc. This competition was held online with the theme "Growing the business spirit of the younger generation during the pandemic in order to realize Indonesia's economic independence" with sub-themes: economy, education, technology and creative industries. Registration for the competition is open from April 26 to May 3, 2021. In this competition, participants must go through several stages, namely BMC Selection, Proposal and Video Selection, Top 10 Announcement, Technical Meeting and Peak Event, namely Presentation and Interview by Top 10. A total of 30 teams from seven universities in Indonesia participated in the 2021 Business Plan Video Creative Competition. However, only ten teams were selected to advance to the final round.
The jury in the proposal and video selection stage consisted of Nadia Sasmita W, S.A.B., M.Sc. (Lecturer of Administrative Education Department), Al Harris W, SE (Founder Direction Consultant, Gepreki, Bwa Indonesia/BWA House, Smoked Meat Shop), and Fajar Indra Prasetyo (President Director of PT Eduraya Teknologi Nusantara). The ten teams that successfully passed the proposal and video selection again competed at the peak event which was held on June 10, 2021 at 08.30 WIB. At the peak of the event, two MCs, namely Cedar Aisyah and Nandika Wahyu S. were accompanied by two MCs. Meanwhile, the jury presented were Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M. Pd. (Lecturer of Administration Education Department), Fajar Indra Prasetyo (President Director of PT Eduraya Teknologi Nusantara), and Katon Baskoro (Co-Founder Arah Consultant, Gepreki, Bwa Indonesia/BWA House, Smoked Meat Shop). The winner of the 2021 Business Plan Video Creative Competition has also been announced with the results of the judging, namely the 1st place from the FTGM Team with the idea of "Groow" getting a prize of Rp. 1,500,000,00, the 2nd place from the Merdeka Team from UNY with the idea of "Get Dream" getting a prize of IDR 1,000,000.00, and the 3rd place winner from the Phola Team with the idea of “INQOLA” gets a prize of IDR 750,000.00. Then, there was the Best Presentation from the Seventeen Teams with the idea of "SUKSES.IN" getting a prize of Rp. 500,000.00, the 1st Place Winner from Team Biz57 with the "Baqiuqot" idea, the 2nd Place Winner from the Insyaallah Gol team with the idea of "Romansa Parfum" and 3rd Champion from DBF Team with the idea of “Moslem Go App”, each hopeful winner will get a Lingotalk Voucher as a prize. In addition, each participant of the competition will still receive an e-certificate.
“We would like to thank all parties who have contributed to the implementation of this activity. The success of the competition from the beginning to the peak event was also supported by media partners and sponsors from various parties. Our media partners are Up-2-date competitions, student competitions, competition and scholarship info, competition news, campus events, BEM FE UNJ, and UNY students” Rizqia from Eighterprise EO explained. "Our sponsorships are from Salad Mother, Valentino striping, Yusuf new copy center & print shop, Activity Management Unit (UPK) Saptosari Gunungkidul District, Lingotalk, Top Careers, and Kopma UNY," Lathu added. The event can be watched again on this youtube channel link . (riz/cs)
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